
OKX Advances Blockchain and Web3 Education with 'NFT For School, NFT For Good' Event for Hong Kong Students

Hong Kong, 20 October 2023 OKX, a leading global virtual asset exchange and Web3 technology company, hosted the 'NFT For School, NFT For Good' event in Hong Kong on 14 October. The event was organized in collaboration with NGO HandsOn HK and Yan Tak Catholic Primary School with the aim of offering local students a unique opportunity to learn about blockchain and Web3 technologies.

Twenty students from primary five and six of Yan Tak Catholic Primary School attended the inaugural event, which was supported by over two dozen volunteers from OKX, HandsOn HK and university students from the 0xU HK Blockchain Club.

The event was the first of its kind in the city and included an interactive workshop for students to create their own artwork and NFTs. It also featured a lecture on digital literacy, focusing on blockchain, Web3 technologies and information ownership. During the four-hour session, primary school students used photography, AI and Web3 tools to create their own NFT collection under the theme of 'Our School in My Eyes.'

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: “We're thrilled to see the enthusiasm of primary school students towards Web3 technology. As Hong Kong continues its quest to establish itself as an international Web3 hub, participation from our next generation is crucial and we look forward to hosting more events like this as part of our continued efforts in user education and promoting Web3 adoption."

Highlights from the event:

OKX representative giving a lecture on digital literacy, focusing on blockchain, Web3 technologies and information ownership

OKX representative giving a lecture on digital literacy, focusing on blockchain, Web3 technologies and information ownership

Yan Tak Catholic Primary School students creating their NFTs

Yan Tak Catholic Primary School students creating their NFTs

Student presenting and sharing his NFT creation

Student presenting and sharing his NFT creation

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