Fusionist's Endurance Mainnet Token
Commencer à miner
13 déc. 2023, 14:00
Mettre fin au minage
18 déc. 2023, 08:00
Distribuer des jetons
18 déc. 2023, 10:00
Exigences relatives à la saisie
Voir les pays/régions compatibles
Vérification d’identité
Chronologie de l’événement
Limite de staking individuelle
Détails du projet

Fusionist is an independent WEB3 game, that delivers AAA quality with Unity and HDRP technologies. It offers three interconnected game modes for diverse players. To ensure fairness, it uses backend-driven computation with KCP and flatbuffer protocols, minimizing cheating. The Unity WebGL client is compatible with both PC and mobile, expanding its user base. A key innovation of Fusionist is the Endurance blockchain, with ACE as its sole token. This EVM-compatible blockchain is known for scalability, security, and transparency, focusing on gaming and social applications. Developed by seasoned professionals, it caters to millions of users. The Endurance ecosystem includes wallet services, game publishers, blockchain technology, and developers, creating a robust and highly potential ecosystem.

Total de jetons
147 000 000
Type de jeton
Endurance Network Native Token
Membres de l’équipe
Ike Tin
Ike Tin
Daniel Fong
Daniel Fong
Charles Tai
Charles Tai
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L’événement de minage est terminé. Vous recevrez vos cryptos stakées et les récompenses sur votre compte de financement dans un délai de deux heures.