Step App price

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Step App price live data

The current price of Step App is $0.0073360. Since 00:00 UTC, Step App has increased by +2.33%. It currently has a circulating supply of 2,530,000,000 FITFI and a maximum supply of 4,600,000,000 FITFI, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $18.56M. At present, Step App holds the 264 position in market cap rankings. The Step App/USD price is updated in real-time.

Step App price performance in USD

Time periodChange amount%Chg
Today$0.00016700 +2.32%
7 days-$0.00095 -11.51%
30 days-$0.00641 -46.63%
3 months-$0.00537 -42.27%

Step App market information

24h low/high
The highest, lowest, and last prices in 24 hours
24h low$0.0069760
Last price $0.0073360
24h high$0.0075080
Heat index ranking
Market cap ranking
Market cap
Favorited rate
Percentage of users who favorited this asset to all users
All-time high
-99.01% (-$0.72896)
May 6, 2022 (2 years ago)
All-time low
+193.44% ($0.0048360)
Jun 10, 2023 (10 months ago)
ICO date
ICO price
The price at which this crypto was first traded
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
2,530,000,000 FITFI
Market cap at circulating supply
Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price

About Step App (FITFI)

In the era of growing health awareness, the role of technology in promoting wellness has gained paramount importance. In line with this trend, Step App introduces the FITFI token — an innovative stride in fitness. Unlike traditional fitness apps, Step App integrates blockchain technology to incentivize users' fitness efforts, redefining wellness through a unique reward system.

What is Step App?

Step App is an innovative fitness mobile application with blockchain technology to motivate users' physical activity. Through actions like walking or running, users earn FITFI tokens as rewards, offering a fresh approach to exercise incentives. These tokens hold utility within the app or can be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges. To embark on the app's journey, users initiate by acquiring a SNEAK or HEADSET non-fungible token (NFT) through the in-app NFT marketplace.

The Step App team

The Step App team comprises experts from various fields, including fitness, technology, and blockchain. United by a common goal, they are dedicated to championing a health-conscious lifestyle and democratizing fitness resources through blockchain technology. By acknowledging and incentivizing users' commitment to physical activity, the team aspires to foster a vibrant community centered on well-being, inspiring individuals to embrace healthier living.

How does Step App work? 

Step App utilizes smartphone sensors or connected fitness devices to monitor and log users' physical activities. At the heart of the platform is its native metaverse, the Step Verse, which serves as a bridge between the digital and physical realms. Users can engage in exercises, compete with others, and earn rewards through the Step App. The app translates these activities into a standardized unit that can be converted into FITFI tokens. Users earn FITFI tokens by participating in various physical activities, including walking or running. Users and their metaverse avatars can also complete fitness quests and engage in player-versus-player challenges to earn FITFI tokens.

These tokens hold various functions within the app. They can be used to access premium fitness content and take part in challenges, or they can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges for other digital assets or traditional currencies. The Step App offers diverse game modes for users to compete in. One such mode is Staked Play, where users can compete against fellow players. Participation in Staked Play requires staking FITFI tokens, and the rewards increase with higher placements. The app also hosts global-scale Tournament Gaming events, where users acquire participation tickets, and the collected funds contribute to a prize pool. As with Staked Play, higher rankings on the leaderboard result in greater rewards.

FITFI: The native token of Step App

FITFI stands as the intrinsic token of the Step App ecosystem. Users who engage in physical activities earn FITFI tokens, which serve as digital rewards. Within the Step App platform, FITFI tokens unlock access to premium fitness content, participation in challenges, and exploring exclusive features. Additionally, users can trade FITFI tokens on external cryptocurrency exchanges.

FITFI tokenomics

There is a maximum supply of five billion FITFI tokens. Operating as a utility token, FITFI motivates users to adopt and maintain healthy habits, driving them toward their fitness objectives. Through fitness challenges and activities, users accumulate FITFI tokens, stimulating personal achievement and communal involvement. This engagement fosters user interaction, spurring competition and the celebration of fitness accomplishments.

FITFI use cases 

FITFI tokens serve several practical purposes within the Step App ecosystem. Firstly, users can earn these tokens to stay active, encouraging healthier living. Secondly, FITFI tokens unlock exclusive fitness content. Lastly, these tokens allow users to join fitness challenges, promoting competition and motivation as they work towards their goals and engage with a community of fitness enthusiasts.

FITFI distribution

FITFI tokens were initially distributed in the following manner:

  • Fourteen percent went to the public sale.
  • Twenty-five percent was allocated for staking and liquidity mining.
  • Fifteen percent was assigned to the team.
  • Twenty-five percent was reserved for the move-to-earn program.
  • Fifteen percent was dedicated to marketing.
  • Six percent was allocated to partners and advisors.

The road ahead of Step App

Step App's path forward holds a host of thrilling opportunities. The team is fervently working on a revolutionary Step App metaverse, a concept that holds promise within the fitness realm. Moreover, the team is proactively forging partnerships with fellow fitness and gaming enterprises, aiming to extend the impact and utility of the FITFI token. With its bold vision and inventive strategies, Step App is a prominent contributor to the Web3 fitness metaverse.


What physical activities are rewarded in Step App?

Step App (FITFI) incentivizes various physical activities, including walking, running, and more. Users can use smartphone sensors or connected fitness devices to monitor and log their achievements.

Can I trade FITFI on other exchanges?

FITFI tokens are tradable on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including OKX. This allows users to transfer the FITFI tokens they've earned within the app to these exchanges, where they can be traded for fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies.

How can I trade FITFI tokens?

Easily buy FITFI tokens on the OKX cryptocurrency platform. One available trading pair in the OKX spot trading terminal is FITFI/USDT. You can also swap your existing cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), and USD Coin (USDC), for FITFI with zero fees and no price slippage by using OKX Convert.

FITFI calculator
1 FITFI ≈ $0.0073360 USD
Perpetual futures
FITFI Bot Marketplace
Copy bot
Spot grid
Copy bot
Spot DCA