
OKX Stealth Mode Livery to be Featured on McLaren MCL60 Race Cars at Japan Grand Prix, Following Podium Finish in Singapore

SINGAPORE, September 21, 2023 - Following McLaren F1 Team driver Lando Norris' impressive second-place finish at the Singapore Grand Prix, the OKX Stealth Mode livery will appear again on the MCL60 race cars driven by Norris and teammate Oscar Piastri this week at the Japanese Grand Prix from September 22-24, 2023.

The livery, which impressed on the Singapore streets last week, was co-created by the McLaren F1 Team and OKX, a leading Web3 technology company and its Official Primary Partner. After its debut at the Singapore Grand Prix from September 15-17, the OKX Stealth Mode MCL60 will create a visual spectacle on the track at the Japanese Grand Prix, featuring the words 'Accelerating Web3' on its wing. 

OKX Japan Grand Prix PR

McLaren F1 Team Driver Lando Norris celebrates his podium finish in Singapore alongside the Stealth Mode MCL60 car.

The Stealth Mode livery, which features a sleek and understated design with black accents contrasting the team's classic papaya trim, represents the shared commitment of McLaren and OKX to strive for excellence while embracing change and innovation.

McLaren Racing Executive Director, Partnerships & Accelerator, Matt Dennington said: “The OKX Stealth Mode livery received a great response from McLaren’s fans, partners and team. It looked incredible under the lights in Singapore, and we’re pleased to have marked the occasion with a podium finish. We look forward to carrying this campaign on to the Japanese Grand Prix, celebrating our partnership with OKX at another iconic grand prix.”

OKX CMO Haider Rafique said: "OKX is proud to be a part of the McLaren F1 team's journey and we loved introducing the new livery to fans in Singapore. We're hopeful that Lando and Oscar again contend for another podium finish this weekend as Stealth Mode goes to Japan!" 

The MCL60 was revealed in Stealth Mode at an exclusive media event on September 13 in Singapore, attended by OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique and McLaren F1 Team drivers Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri, and McLaren Racing Executive Director, Partnerships & Accelerator, Matt Dennington. 

OKX also hosted a McLaren-themed fanzone at CHIJMES, Singapore from September 14-17, featuring a Stealth Mode show car, racing simulators and giveaways, as well as special guest appearances by McLaren F1 driver Lando Norris and McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown on September 14 and 15, respectively.

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