Announcing Our Leading Role in the Investment of Bedrock, a Multi-Asset Liquid Re-Staking Protocol

We at are pleased to announce that we have invested in Bedrock, a multi-asset liquid restaking protocol. This strategic move brings institutional-grade infrastructure to an expansive audience, ensuring both security and transparency to cater to the requirements of larger clients and institutions.

As a restaking protocol, Bedrock is engineered to restake natively and unlock additional rewards from EigenLayer. As of today, around 41,344 ETH have been staked by 1,292 validators on RockX, the node operator and early contributor to BedRock.

The popularity of restaking saw a significant surge following the Q4 2022 merge of Ethereum's Beacon chain. Validators stake to store data, process transactions and add new blocks to the Ethereum network, and the total stETH/ETH supply now stands at 26.72%. Introduced by EigenLayer, restaking allows staked ETH to serve as security for protocols outside of Ethereum, in return for fees and rewards. With over 15 outstanding restaking protocols today, the total staked ETH (Staking & Restaking) stands at 32 million ETH, according to Dune's dashboard. Restaking not only enhances capital efficiency but also fosters ecosystem development.

uniBTC, a universal bitcoin token by BedRock in partnership with Babylon, is at the forefront of staking innovation. It allows BTC holders to earn staking yield while maintaining their BTC liquidity and participating in other DeFi activities. With Proof-of-Stake (PoS) chains, a larger pool of staking capital increases user security and efficiency.

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