Wasm smart contract#

What is wasm smart contract?#

Wasm smart contracts are smart contracts that operated on wasm virtual machine. Wasm virtual machine is more advanced than EVM, these are its main advantages:

  1. Faster speed, lower gas consumption
  2. Supports more complex contracts
  3. Supports Rust, Go, C/C++ and other popular programming languages for developing contracts
  4. Cosmos IBC Can seamlessly connect with Cosmos IBC

Currently speaking, Rust is the main programming language used for developing wasm contracts

Advanced tutorials for further learning#

Smart contract aims to clarify the semantics of how a CosmWasm contract interacts with its environment and data structure of a CosmWasm contract. Learn demonstrates developing smart contracts from zero to production with step by step explanations, code snippets, scripts and more.

  • Dev Academy provides structured learning content starting from basics of blockchains and smart contracts to Cosmos SDK, CosmWasm smart contracts and clients.
  • Tutorials demonstrates developing smart contracts from zero to production with step by step explanations, code snippets, scripts, and more.
  • Workshops has a great collection of demonstrations and verbal explanations of CosmWasm tech stack recorded in various events and organizations.
  • Plus is for state-of-the-art, production ready CosmWasm smart contracts.
  • Repository has more code details for CosmWasm.