Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)

Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)

These NFTs will be redeemable for a WOTF: Existence (physical) Serialized Booster Box. - 3,393 max supply - 15 limited edition designs - All boxes serial #ed - 7 unique 1/1 designs (including the 1st BOX) - On-chain reveal (box #s) This mechanic has never been done & marks a step forward in provably fair distribution, provenance & collectibility for sealed trading card products. - 3,393 box maximum supply for Serialized Boosters loaded with 60 foil cards - Final pack layout tbd - Holders may participate in play testing starting Q1 - Redemptions of physical boxes is scheduled for Q3 ‘24 - Box art shown is representative but final design &/or box form may change - The NFT for your box(es) must be burned to redeem the physical box(es).
Volume total
Cours plancher
Meilleure offre
0,41 %
Inscrit à la cote
9,75 %
Propriétaires uniques
0 %
En direct
Cours de cotation le plus bas
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)


Meilleure offre 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)

Retiré de la cote

Dernier cours 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)

Retiré de la cote

Dernier cours 0,12 WETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)

Retiré de la cote

Dernier cours 0,27 ETH
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) background
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes)

Retiré de la cote

Dernier cours 0,27 ETH
Comment acheter des NFT dans cette collection ?
Vous pouvez effectuer des achats directs sur le marché OKX, qui consolide les ordres NFT des plateformes telles qu’OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden, etc.
Quelle est l’activité récente de cette collection ?
Au cours des dernières 24 heures, Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) a effectué 6 transactions avec un volume total de 1,38. Le cours plancher s’élève à 0,124 ETH, avec une variation de +1,63 % du cours plancher au cours des dernières 24 heures. Il existe 14 ordres de cotation actuellement.
Combien de portefeuilles détiennent-ils des NFT de cette collection ?
Wonders of the First: Existence (Serialized Booster Boxes) comprend un total de 3 393 NFT qui sont détenus par 331 différents portefeuilles.
Quel est le montant nécessaire pour effectuer un achat ?
Le cours plancher pour cette collection s’élève à 0,124 ETH. Le cours moyen sur 24 h s’élève à 0,23. Le solde de votre portefeuille doit être d’au moins 0,124 ETH pour effectuer l’achat.