RTFKT x Nike Dunk Genesis CRYPTOKICKS #14329

By OpenRarity7 532

Introducing the first RTFKT x Nike Sneaker NFT, the RTFKT X Nike Dunk Genesis CRYPTOKICKS Sneaker 🧪. When equipped with a RTFKT Skin Vial NFT, the look of the RTFKT x NIKE DUNK GENESIS CRYPTOKICKS changes according to the traits of the vial. Digital Collectible terms and conditions apply, see: [https://rtfkt.com/legal-2D](https://rtfkt.com/legal-2D)👨‍⚖️ Digital Collectible:  Wearable May have a Third Party Rights Owner if equipped with a Skin Vial having a Third Party Rights Owner (e.g., DNA: Murakami is a Third Party Rights owner). See the DNA metadata traits to determine any equipped RTFKT Skin Vial traits.

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RTFKT x Nike Dunk Genesis CRYPTOKICKS #14329 background