
Launch of the First-Ever 'Learn and Earn Campaign' on Our App, Giving Users the Opportunity to Claim a Share in a 527 SOL Prize Pool

We today launched the 'Solana Learn and Earn' campaign, offering users the opportunity to claim a share in a 527 SOL prize pool. This represents the first "learn and earn" experience within our OKX app.

Beginning on December 22, 2023 at 08:00 (UTC) and ending on January 5, 2024 at 08:00 (UTC), this campaign will reward the first 10,000 eligible users who do the following tasks via our OKX app with 0.0527 SOL tokens.

  1. Access the 'Solana Learn & Earn' campaign landing page via the homepage, 'Earn' or 'On-chain Earn' sections of the OKX app

  2. Click the 'Learn now' button to read six key facts about the Solana blockchain

  3. Users will then be prompted to take a short quiz and answer five questions related to the Solana blockchain and its native token (SOL)

  4. Make a minimum deposit of 10 USDT or USDC to their OKX account via the Solana network

SOL rewards will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last. Winners will be automatically enrolled into an On-chain Earn subscription, with SOL rewards available in the 'Grow' section of each winner's OKX app within 30 days after the campaign ends on January 5, 2024. OKX's On-chain Earn product allows eligible users to earn rewards for participating in Proof-of-Stake (PoS) staking and DeFi protocols.

We also recently introduced a new upgrade that enables its Web3 wallet users to list Solana NFTs on three marketplaces: OKX NFT Marketplace, Magic Eden and Tensor. With this upgrade, we aim to provide users with increased exposure, flexibility and a more streamlined listing process, as well as enable artists and creators to showcase their NFTs to a wider audience.

*Note: OKX reserves the right to determine and amend the rules of the campaign at any time without further notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, or terminating this campaign, modifying the eligibility conditions for users participating in the campaign, and adjusting the campaign and reward rules. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, click here.

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