
OKX Wins 'Best Technical Innovation Award' at Hong Kong Web 3.0 Annual Ceremony

Hong Kong, December 29, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company, has been awarded the 'Best Technical Innovation Award' at the Hong Kong Web 3.0 Annual Ceremony. The event, organized by Web3 media company Meta Era, took place on December 21 at Cyberport, Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Web 3.0 Annual Ceremony aims to recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of individuals and companies in driving the mass adoption of Web3 technologies. Meta Era presented 15 exclusive awards this year, with a panel of Web3 industry experts and a global public vote determining the winners.

OKX HK Executive Director Frank Zhang received the 'Best Technical Innovation Award' on behalf of OKX at the ceremony. The award highlights OKX's dedication to pushing the boundaries of technological advancements in the Web3 space. OKX has continuously demonstrated its commitment to innovation through the launch of innovative products and features, such as its account abstraction technology-powered Smart Account, which enables users to pay for gas with stablecoins, and Ordinals Market, a Web3 platform for trading and inscribing BRC-20 and BTC NFTs.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "Being acknowledged for our technical innovation is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team, who constantly strive to deliver cutting-edge solutions that make the Web3 experience more accessible and intuitive for our users. In 2024, we are excited to introduce more innovative features, such as social recovery, to further streamline the Web3 user experience."

The Hong Kong Web 3.0 Annual Ceremony is part of Web 3.0 Tech Week, which took place from December 18-21 at Cyberport. Web 3.0 Tech Week aims to highlight the latest Web3 innovations and achievements, as well as bring together experts, industry leaders and enthusiasts to explore the future of the digital economy.

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