
We've Joined the US$50 Million Series A Investment in Eclipse, Ethereum’s First Layer 2 Using the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM)

Today, we're excited to announce that our investment arm, OKX Ventures, has joined a US$50 million Series A funding round for Eclipse, a pioneering Ethereum Layer 2 solution utilizing the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM).

Eclipse is committed to delivering a Layer 2 that excels in speed, security, and scalability, promising an environment where powerful applications can seamlessly interact among millions of users.

Eclipse Labs Founder Neel Somani said: “Eclipse aims to be the quickest Layer 2 on Ethereum, leveraging the most efficient components of the available modular stack. To cater to 99% of use cases, Ethereum requires a single, scalable and composable Layer 2. While other Layer 2 ecosystems have focused on full EVM compatibility, this has resulted in a fragmented and slow Layer 2 landscape. Eclipse fuses the high-performance SVM with Ethereum's vast liquidity pools, ensuring verifiability.”

Our OKX Ventures Founder Dora Yue said: “Eclipse stands out for its unique approach that empowers builders and users alike, and enables developers and users to creatively piece together DApps and protocols. In addition, Eclipse excels in providing a platform for builders to thrive, resulting in an enhanced user experience. Users can also easily provide transaction feedback, trusting the Ethereum-backed SVM. At OKX Ventures, we’re committed to supporting user-friendly and innovative projects.”

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