
OKX President Hong Fang to Speak at Money20/20 in Las Vegas

Las Vegas, October 23, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced that its President, Hong Fang, will speak at the Money20/20 conference in Las Vegas on October 23. Hong will participate in a fireside chat titled "Navigating the Crypto Bulls and Bears" at 2:00 pm (PT) at the event's 'Off the Record' stage.

In the 30-minute discussion moderated by Money20/20 Asia Content Director Ian Fong, Hong will share insights into OKX's strategies for sustaining growth and innovation during cryptocurrency market downturns. She will also discuss the company's perspective on recent crypto industry developments and its commitment to meeting evolving regulatory standards across global markets.

OKX President Hong Fang said: "I look forward to joining this timely conversation at Money20/20 and sharing lessons we have learned after nearly a decade in crypto. Our goal is always to build trust by putting users first, pursuing thoughtful innovation and upholding security. Important events like these offer a valuable opportunity to explore how the crypto industry can keep advancing responsibly."

Money20/20 will draw over 1,500 attendees from global financial services, fintech and crypto firms. The conference will take place from October 23-26 at The Venetian Resort in Las Vegas. To learn more about the event, click here.

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