
OKX Names Rifad Mahasneh General Manager for MENA

DUBAI, the UAE, November 8, 2023 -- OKX, a global-leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, today announced the appointment of Rifad Mahasneh as General Manager for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, based in Dubai.

In his role, Rifad is responsible for leading OKX's operations and regulatory approach, and growing the company's user base and market share in the region.

OKX President Hong Fang said: "We're thrilled to welcome Rifad as OKX's leader in MENA. With his extensive background in digital assets, finance and growth, and years of local leadership in the region, Rifad is a key strong addition to the team. With MENA being one of the fastest growing markets globally for digital assets and Web3 adoption, this appointment is a testament to our commitment to drive sustainable growth in this region."

OKX MENA General Manager Rifad Mahasneh said: "I'm excited to join OKX and lead its MENA business - it's a privilege to be a part of such a forward-thinking and innovative company. I look forward to contributing to the development of OKX in the UAE and across the MENA region, and to playing a role in helping to onboard the next billion users to Web3."

Rifad has extensive experience in digital assets, strategy, and public policy in the UAE and is a board member of the Dubai Digital Asset Assosciation (D2A2). Prior to joining OKX, Rifad held the position of Vice President with Rain, leading business and licensing efforts in the UAE. His earlier roles included leading Uber's ride hailing business in the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Levant regions.

In July 2023, OKX Middle East was granted by the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) a provisional virtual assets license to provide services to qualified investors in the UAE.

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