
OKX is One of the First Exchanges to List Celestia's TIA Token on its Spot Market, Launches Campaign with 10,000 USDT Worth of Prizes

  • From November 1 at 02:00 (UTC), OKX is rewarding new users who deposit and trade at least 50 USDT worth of TIA with the opportunity to win prizes worth a total of 10,000 USDT

  • The first 1,000 users trading at least $100 worth of TIA will also receive $5 worth of TIA in return

Dubai, the UAE, November 1, 2023 -- OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, listed modular blockchain network Celestia's TIA token on its spot market at 18:00 (UTC) on October 31. OKX is one of the first exchanges to list the TIA token.

With this addition, eligible users can trade TIA against USDT via the TIA/USDT spot pair. Deposits for the token were enabled on October 31 at 17:00 (UTC), while withdrawals will be enabled on November 1 at 10:00 UTC. To mark the listing of TIA on its spot market, OKX is rewarding new users who deposit and trade at least 50 USDT worth of TIA the opportunity to win prizes worth a total of 10,000 USDT. In addition, the first 1,000 users who trade at least US$100 worth of TIA will receive US$5 worth of TIA in return*. To learn more about the TIA 'New User Exclusive' and 'Trade and Earn' campaigns, click here.

Celestia presents a unique approach to blockchain technology, offering a minimal blockchain that only orders and publishes transactions without executing them. This decoupling of consensus and application execution layers allows for a modularized blockchain technology stack, and seeks to open up new possibilities for decentralized application builders.

*Note: Each user can only participate in one campaign at a time. If a user participates in multiple campaigns, only the last campaign registered will be rewarded. For the campaigns' full terms and conditions, click here.

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