
OKX Executives Champion Crypto, Web3 Adoption and Trust at LABITCONF

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, November 11, 2023 -- OKX, a world-leading Web3 technology company, sponsored and spoke at LABITCONF, Latin America's largest crypto and blockchain conference underscoring its commitment to developing the Latin American crypto and Web3 ecosystem responsibly. During Hong's exclusive fireside chat, she emphasized OKX's security-first approach and the need for industry standards and regulations that support innovation.

Hong said: "OKX is committed to expanding our presence across Latin America and accelerating crypto and Web3 adoption. A major part of this effort involves building trust, reassurance and setting standards. That's why security is paramount at OKX. Users expect a trusted experience for their digital assets, which is why we take a multi-layered approach focused on proof of reserves, innovative web3 wallet security, and stringent controls. We believe strongly in self-regulation and giving users tools to verify, not just trust.

Meanwhile, OKX Brazil General Manager Guilherme Sacamone focused his fireside chat on trust-building measures.

Guilherme said: "OKX earns trust in Latin America by creating localized products tailored to this region and prioritizing transparency. Trust doesn't happen overnight – it's built through consistent proof. That's why we are thrilled to recently celebrate one year of our industry-leading Proof of Reserves program. By independently verifying reserves each month on-chain, we empower users to confirm their funds are fully backed. This kind of verifiable transparency represents our commitment to building trust the right way – by giving users more control and insights, not just empty assurances."

OKX is a Whale title sponsor at this year's LABITCONF, which plays a valuable role in driving Latin America's crypto and web3 ecosystem forward. By enabling collaboration, knowledge sharing and relationship building, it turns potential into real-world blockchain adoption.

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