Рынок NFT OKX (категория «Доменные имена»)

Доменные имена

NFT-домены — это оптимальное решение для тех, кому нужен безопасный и инновационный способ контроля и владения доменами. Благодаря технологии блокчейн NFT-домены совершают революцию в цифровом владении, предоставляя надежную платформу для покупки, продажи и торговли уникальными веб-адресами. Эти домены можно использовать для перенаправления пользователей к DApp и преобразования длинных адресов криптовалютных кошельков в более короткие и запоминающиеся URL-адреса. Готовы получить собственный уникальный веб-адрес? Посетите OKX и откройте для себя безграничные возможности NFT-доменов уже сегодня.
ENS: Ethereum Name Service
ENS: Ethereum Name ServicecertifiedIcon
ETH 14,09
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains are secure domain names for the decentralized world. ENS domains provide a way for users to map human readable names to blockchain and non-blockchain resources, like Ethereum addresses, IPFS hashes, or website URLs. ENS domains can be bought and sold on secondary markets.
SPACE ID.bnbcertifiedIcon
ETH <0,01
Register your .bnb domains today. - **A [SPACE ID](https://space.id) Name Service**
dotbit(.bit): Web3 Identity
dotbit(.bit): Web3 IdentitycertifiedIcon
# Cross-chain Web3 identities for you and your community - 👉 [**Join community**]( http://discord.gg/did) - 👉 [**Get your .bit now**](https://did.id) - 👉 [**Convert your .bit to Ethereum NFTs**](https://dotbit.medium.com/bit-account-can-be-an-ethereum-nft-now-a601cf68c311) It can be used as a digital assets collection account, or as an account to access general internet services. .bit has powerful cross-chain capabilities and supports ETH/BNB Chain/Polygon/Tron and any other public chain address. .bit comes in various languages such as hi.bit, 你好.bit, こんにちは.bit, 🚀🌕.bit, 안녕하세요.bit, Привет.bit and bonjour.bit .bit sub-accounts, the best decentralized identity for your DAO, community, organization and fans club. Learn more about .bit sub-accounts: https://www.did.id/sub-account
Starname is a secure username like *david for the decentralized world. Starname provide a way for users to map human readable names to multiples crypto-addresses Ethereum addresses, Bitcoin and cosmos addresses.
Ackerman Token - Digital Arts & Subdomains
Ackerman Token - Digital Arts & Subdomains
Ackerman Token is the home for digital arts and subdomains. What is a subdomain ? a subdomain token is created from the main domain which in this case " Ackerman.eth" domain. Enabling anyone with the Ackerman surname to resolve their name into their Ethereum address. Please contact me for any desirable names. I am working diligently to upload many names as soon as possible. Email: Kingandrews4444@gmail.com
BNS - Bitcoin Network System
BNS - Bitcoin Network SystemcertifiedIcon
.BTC Domains with information sovereignty, register for free and forever. BNS - A Segregated Network System for Bitcoin.
Trust Domains
Trust Domains
Trust Domains is a distributed domains service base on the blockchain technology. The domains are an ERC721 compliant tokens. We committed to building a cross chain Web3.0 financial infrastructure.
Unstoppable Domains
Unstoppable DomainscertifiedIcon
Simplify your crypto currency payments with human readable names and build censorship resistant websites. Purchase your blockchain domains today!