Event period: December 25, 2023, 10AM - February 23, 2024, 10AM (UTC)

Sommelier Bonus Event

Bonus Pool: 15.35 $wstETH + 225,000 $SOMM

Stake ETH with Lido

Basic APR + Up to 3% additional APR

Stake stETH with Sommelier

Basic APR + Up to 6% additional APR

How to participate in the event?

What are Sommelier and Turbo stETH (stETH deposit)? How does Turbo stETH (stETH deposit) work?

What would happen if I closed the position on Turbo stETH (stETH deposit)?

What should I do when I can't redeem the Turbo stETH (stETH deposit) investment in OKX Web3 DeFi?

Where can I trade $Somm?

Terms & Conditions
