McLaren F1’s Lando Norris Takes Second on Podium at Singapore Grand Prix with MCL60 Race Cars in OKX Stealth Mode Livery

SINGAPORE, September 17, 2023 – McLaren F1 Team driver Lando Norris placed second at the Singapore Grand Prix on September 17, 2023 after a masterful drive in the MCL60 race car featuring the limited-edition Stealth Mode livery co-designed by McLaren and OKX, a leading Web3 technology company and Official Primary Partner of the McLaren Formula 1 Team.


Lando Norris said: “Incredible. Carlos, Charles, Lewis, George, and I really pushed each other hard all evening. The end of the race was very stressful, but it paid off. We knew it was going to be tough as soon as Mercedes boxed, especially with only a couple of cars for them to overtake – but we held them off, did what we needed to do and we’re on the podium with P2, so I’m super-happy this evening."

“The team is amazing, and I can’t thank them enough for their hard work in giving me this car. It was good to see Oscar fighting his way through to P7, cementing the points for the team also. The car looked great in the OKX Stealth Mode livery and it’s just a great result for the team tonight. I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do in Japan.”

The MCL60 was revealed in Stealth Mode on September 13 at an exclusive media event in Singapore, attended by OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique and McLaren F1 Team drivers Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri, and McLaren Racing Executive Director, Partnerships & Accelerator, Matt Dennington.

Stealth Mode switches McLaren’s livery colourway, augmenting black against the team’s classic papaya trim. The sleek and understated design represents the two brands’ belief in putting in hard work behind the scenes to strive for excellence, while embracing change and innovation. It will also be featured on track at the 2023 Japan Grand Prix from September 22-24, 2023.

To bring fans closer to Stealth Mode, OKX hosted a McLaren-themed fanzone at CHIJMES, Singapore, which ran from September 14 to September 17, featuring a Stealth Mode show car, racing simulators, giveaways and surprise guests over the race weekend. At the fanzone, fans were joined by McLaren F1 Driver Lando Norris and McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown on September 14 and 15, respectively.

OKX CMO Haider Rafique said: "Podium! We're thrilled to have co-created the Stealth Mode livery with McLaren and to have witnessed the MCL60 F1 car take the podium in Singapore."

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