
Majesticks GC to Play at First-ever LIV Golf Hong Kong Tournament

Today, we announced that the OKX-sponsored Majesticks GC will play at its first ever LIV Golf Hong Kong tournament on 8-10 March, and will feature our branding on its team kits during the tournament.

As part of its series of 14 events across eight markets and regions, the LIV Golf tournament will take place at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling on March 8 - 10. Hong Kong is also the tournament's first stop in Asia this year. Majesticks GC team members Ian Poulter, Lee Westwood, Henrik Stenson and Sam Horsfield will be taking part in the tournament, and hosting an exclusive meet-and-greet with our VIP partners and clients after play on Saturday.

Our partnership with Majesticks GC is a testament to our unwavering commitment to bringing innovative fan experiences around the world by harnessing the power of Web3 and advanced technologies. We share a common vision with Majesticks GC of making the sport more accessible and engaging to fans around the world.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "Ian Poulter is among one of our first brand ambassadors we signed in 2022. Our partnership with him and Majesticks GC has been really effective in reaching LIV Golf viewers around the world. Ian and team know how to have good fun and engage the audience with our brand in a big way. We have some exciting activations coming up, but I'm personally keen to have the Hong Kong crypto community join us rooting for Ian and team as they play in Hong Kong. Hint - we may be designing something together that will be announced soon!"

Team Principal for Majesticks GC James Dunkley said: "We are excited to play in the LIV Golf tournament in Hong Kong for the first time, where there is a strong follower base in golf as well as OKX. Through our partnership with OKX, we hope to provide local fans with a unique way to interact and support the Majesticks GC team at the LIV Golf tournament, and we look forward to converting this great support to great results in this weekend's tournament."

Our partnership with Majesticks GC started in June 2023, which is a further expansion into the sports arena with elite teams, including our long-term partnerships with English Premier League champions Manchester City Football Club and McLaren F1 Team.

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