Domainnamen erkunden
NFT-Domainnamen können genau das sein, was Menschen brauchen, die nach einer sicheren und innovativen Möglichkeit suchen, ihre Domainnamen zu verwalten und zu besitzen. Mit der Blockchain-Technologie revolutionieren NFT-Domainnamen das digitale Eigentum, indem sie eine sichere Plattform für den Kauf, Verkauf und Handel mit einzigartigen Webadressen bieten. Diese Domains können dazu verwendet werden, Benutzer:innen auf Dapps zu lenken und lange Krypto-Wallet-Adressen in kürzere URLs zu konvertieren, die man sich besser merken kann. Bereit für Ihre eigene einzigartige Web-Adresse? Gehen Sie auf OKX und entdecken Sie noch heute die unendlichen Möglichkeiten von NFT-Domainnamen.
Bestes 7-Tage-Volumen

ENS: Ethereum Name Service

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains are secure domain names for the decentralized world. ENS domains provide a way for users to map human readable names to blockchain and non-blockchain resources, like Ethereum addresses, IPFS hashes, or website URLs. ENS domains can be bought and sold on secondary markets.


Register your .bnb domains today. - **A [SPACE ID](https://space.id) Name Service**

Trust Domains
Trust Domains is a distributed domains service base on the blockchain technology. The domains are an ERC721 compliant tokens. We committed to building a cross chain Web3.0 financial infrastructure.

.Kred Domains are both fully resolving DNS web and Ethereum Name Service ENS wallet addresses. Create a short and memorable address to receive payments in your wallet, that can also be linked to a normal website on any device or browser!

Ackerman Token - Digital Arts & Subdomains
Ackerman Token is the home for digital arts and subdomains. What is a subdomain ? a subdomain token is created from the main domain which in this case " Ackerman.eth" domain. Enabling anyone with the Ackerman surname to resolve their name into their Ethereum address. Please contact me for any desirable names. I am working diligently to upload many names as soon as possible. Email: Kingandrews4444@gmail.com

Starname is a secure username like *david for the decentralized world. Starname provide a way for users to map human readable names to multiples crypto-addresses Ethereum addresses, Bitcoin and cosmos addresses.

BNS - Bitcoin Network System

.BTC Domains with information sovereignty, register for free and forever. BNS - A Segregated Network System for Bitcoin.

Unstoppable Domains

Simplify your crypto currency payments with human readable names and build censorship resistant websites. Purchase your blockchain domains today!