OKX NFT Marketplace für Domainnamen erkunden

Domainnamen erkunden

NFT-Domainnamen können genau das sein, was Menschen brauchen, die nach einer sicheren und innovativen Möglichkeit suchen, ihre Domainnamen zu verwalten und zu besitzen. Mit der Blockchain-Technologie revolutionieren NFT-Domainnamen das digitale Eigentum, indem sie eine sichere Plattform für den Kauf, Verkauf und Handel mit einzigartigen Webadressen bieten. Diese Domains können dazu verwendet werden, Benutzer:innen auf Dapps zu lenken und lange Krypto-Wallet-Adressen in kürzere URLs zu konvertieren, die man sich besser merken kann. Bereit für Ihre eigene einzigartige Web-Adresse? Gehen Sie auf OKX und entdecken Sie noch heute die unendlichen Möglichkeiten von NFT-Domainnamen.
ENS: Ethereum Name Service
ENS: Ethereum Name ServicecertifiedIcon
ETH 18,52
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains are secure domain names for the decentralized world. ENS domains provide a way for users to map human readable names to blockchain and non-blockchain resources, like Ethereum addresses, IPFS hashes, or website URLs. ENS domains can be bought and sold on secondary markets.
SPACE ID.bnbcertifiedIcon
ETH 0,03
Register your .bnb domains today. - **A [SPACE ID](https://space.id) Name Service**
Starname is a secure username like *david for the decentralized world. Starname provide a way for users to map human readable names to multiples crypto-addresses Ethereum addresses, Bitcoin and cosmos addresses.
BNS - Bitcoin Network System
BNS - Bitcoin Network SystemcertifiedIcon
.BTC Domains with information sovereignty, register for free and forever. BNS - A Segregated Network System for Bitcoin.
Trust Domains
Trust Domains
Trust Domains is a distributed domains service base on the blockchain technology. The domains are an ERC721 compliant tokens. We committed to building a cross chain Web3.0 financial infrastructure.
Bell Token | ENS Subdomains
Bell Token | ENS Subdomains
The BELL Token store hosts subdomains through "bell.eth" so that anyone with the last name Bell can resolve their name to their ETH address. For example, when you purchase "yourname.bell.eth" I will point it to the ETH address that owns the token. You can then ask people to send money to "yourname.bell.eth".
Ackerman Token - Digital Arts & Subdomains
Ackerman Token - Digital Arts & Subdomains
Ackerman Token is the home for digital arts and subdomains. What is a subdomain ? a subdomain token is created from the main domain which in this case " Ackerman.eth" domain. Enabling anyone with the Ackerman surname to resolve their name into their Ethereum address. Please contact me for any desirable names. I am working diligently to upload many names as soon as possible. Email: Kingandrews4444@gmail.com
.Kred Domains are both fully resolving DNS web and Ethereum Name Service ENS wallet addresses. Create a short and memorable address to receive payments in your wallet, that can also be linked to a normal website on any device or browser!