How to join the public testnet#

There are two ways to start exchaind testnet node.Please note that testnet node only supports snapshots startup.

1. Using exchaind and snapshots#

# 1. build exchaind# latest_version can be viewed through this link
git clone -b ${latest_version}
cd exchain
make testnet 

Note 1: Be sure to compile with make testnet Note 2: latest_version can be viewed here Note 3: If this is the first time to run exchaind, we should install rocksdb first. OKTC team has provided a command to make rocksdb to help. You can try it in the exchain folder. Note 4: If you encounter problems in the process of compiling rocksdb, please refer to this link

# 2. Initialize exchain node configurationsexport EXCHAIND_PATH=~/.exchaind (or other directory)
exchaind init your_custom_moniker --chain-id exchain-65 --home ${EXCHAIND_PATH}# 3. download snapshot
rm -rf ${EXCHAIND_PATH}/data
tar -zxvf testnet-$version-$date-$height-rocksdb.tar.gz

# 4. start exchaind
exchaind start --home ${EXCHAIND_PATH}

2. Using docker and snapshots#

# 1. Initialize exchain node configurationsexport EXCHAIND_PATH=~/.exchaind (or other directory)
exchaind init your_custom_moniker --chain-id exchain-65 --home ${EXCHAIND_PATH}# 2. download snapshot
rm -rf ${EXCHAIND_PATH}/data
tar -zxvf testnet-$version-$date-$height-rocksdb.tar.gz

# 3. download the docker image
docker pull okexchain/fullnode-testnet:latest

# 4. run docker based the snapshot downloaded in the previous step Start based on snapshot.
docker run -d --name exchain-testnet-fullnode -v ~/.exchaind/data:/root/.exchaind/data/ -p 8545:8545 -p 26656:26656 okexchain/fullnode-testnet:latest