
We've Invested in DLC.Link, the First Native Bitcoin DeFi Protocol

Today, we're proud to announce that our investment arm, OKX Ventures, has invested in DLC.Link, the first native Bitcoin cross-chain protocol. This groundbreaking project leverages Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) to enable Bitcoin to be used in DeFi protocols while being held in self-custody wallets.

DLC.Link is aimed at bringing the power and innovation of DeFi to the Bitcoin ecosystem without compromising on security, decentralization, or user experience. DLC.Link partners with institutions, referred to as "dlcBTC Merchants", to mint dlcBTC, a decentralized wrapped Bitcoin. Uniquely, dlcBTC does not require Bitcoin deposits to be held with a custodian or bridged to a separate blockchain.

To mint dlcBTC, Bitcoin depositors "self-wrap" by locking their collateral into a DLC, which can only pay out to the original depositor. This makes dlcBTC a "theft-proof" protocol, ensuring that Bitcoin deposits cannot be lost through hacks, theft, or fraud. Additionally, since only the original depositor can retrieve funds, dlcBTC offers greater resistance to censorship than current forms of wrapped Bitcoin.

Unlike Bitcoin L2s or sidechains, which require additional modifications to Bitcoin, support for DLCs was added in Bitcoin’s Taproot upgrade. DLCs can leverage the security, liquidity, and network effects of Bitcoin, while bridging to DeFi protocols on Ethereum without requiring separate validator nodes. Instead, DLC.Link provides a network of DLC Attestors running Ethereum validators, provided by popular node operators such as ourselves, OKX, along with HashKey Cloud, Republic, P2P, Dextrac, and others.

Aki Balogh, co-founder of DLC.Link, said: "wBTC has reached Top 15 token status, despite its centralized custody model. In contrast, dlcBTC is the only wrapped Bitcoin that is minted from self-custody. DLCs, which were added to Bitcoin in 2021, enable a theft-proof wrapping mechanism without the need to introduce a bridge or L2 chain. dlcBTC will boost the adoption of Bitcoin in DeFi and has the potential to become a Top 10 token."

Dora Yue, Founder of OKX Ventures, said: "DLC.Link is a pioneering project aimed at bringing the power and innovation of DeFi to the Bitcoin ecosystem, without compromising security, decentralization, or user experience. We are pleased to support the vision and mission of DLC.Link. OKX Ventures believes that DLC.Link will unlock more value and potential within Bitcoin, and create a more open, inclusive, and decentralized financial system.”

To learn more about DLC.Link, click here.

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