
OKX Expansion: Crypto Exchange and Web3 Wallet Launch in Argentina

Buenos Aires, February 7, 2024 --OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced its latest global expansion with the official launch of its exchange and Web3 Wallet in Argentina.

OKX Exchange is the most trusted platform for crypto trading, staking, and deep liquidity across hundreds of crypto assets, with robust security protections. Argentinians can now also use the non-custodial OKX Web3 Wallet, a secure portal to manage DeFi, trade NFTs, use dApps, and more through its user-friendly interface.

Additionally, OKX P2P, an industry-leading peer-to-peer platform, is available to enable direct crypto purchases from verified local users. It offers dedicated Spanish-language support and a selection of popular local payment alternatives within P2P to make crypto accessible and provides a trusted alternative for easily obtaining crypto assets.

OKX President Hong Fang said: We're pleased to officially launch our latest expansion of our world-class crypto exchange and Web3 wallet in one of Latin America's most vibrant crypto markets. As pioneers at the nexus of technology and finance, our user-centric approach aims to accelerate adoption by meeting local needs first. With over 50 million users worldwide, OKX provides retail and institutional participants with secure access to crypto exchange services and Web3 technology. The immense promise of crypto and blockchain is expanding across Latin America, and Argentina represents a crucial launch pad for our regional growth strategy."

OKX Argentina Country Manager Alejandro Estrin said: "Robust security protections and transparency build trust - the foundations of mainstream adoption. That's why OKX provides verifiable proof of reserves, industry-leading custody solutions, and stringent AML/KYC compliance. We also customized an intuitive Argentina-localized trading platform spanning popular crypto assets with deep liquidity. With these compliant, secure and user-friendly solutions tailored to local needs, we aim to accelerate responsible crypto innovation across retail and institutional participants in Argentina."

OKX also provides transparency for users. The global exchange was among the first to publish monthly Proof-of-Reserves verified via zk-STARKs cryptography to publicly validate holdings. The latest proof of reserves showed over 14.9 billion in assets backing user funds at a 104% collateralization rate. This verifiable assurance of user protection builds trust in OKX as the most reliable gateway for accessing decentralized finance.

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