
OKX and SignalPlus Expand Strategic Partnership to Provide Traders with Best-in-class Trading Experience

Dubai, the UAE, Feb 7, 2024 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and virtual asset exchange, and SignalPlus, an industry-leading virtual asset trading infrastructure provider, today announced the expansion of their strategic partnership to integrate SignalPlus' full suite of trading tools into OKX's trading platform, aiming to provide OKX users with an unmatched trading experience.

SignalPlus offers a robust suite of risk management and algorithms that support crypto options, futures, perpetual and spot trading. Paired with OKX's world-leading liquidity, users will enjoy the ability to intuitively track market data and execute trades more quickly and easily through OKX's platform, all while using SignalPlus' advanced tools.

SignalPlus also offers advanced market-making automation bots on OKX. These bots help market makers manage and control their trading risks effectively, a crucial aspect for expanding their trading operations. In addition, this partnership will encourage more collaboration between the two firms and foster growth in the broader crypto community.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "We look forward to extending SignalPlus' advanced trading functionalities to more products on our platform. At OKX, as a technology-focused company, our main goal is to drive crypto adoption by empowering traders to trade smarter and enjoy a superior user experience powered by technology."

SignalPlus Co-Founder Chris Yu said: "We're thrilled to further our strategic partnership with OKX, providing seamless trading for our joint user base, especially during this current market recovery period. Our partnership with OKX is a testament to our joint dedication to deliver accessible, high-quality software in crypto trading for all traders."

OKX and SignalPlus first announced their partnership in May 2023 to bring advanced options trading tools to users. Separate from the announcement of this enhanced partnership, the two firms are also working on some initiatives to drive development of the DeFi sector.

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