Marketplace NFT Esplora musica di OKX

Esplora musica

Per gli amanti della musica che cercano un modo esclusivo per supportare i propri artisti preferiti, gli NFT musicali sono la risposta. Utilizzando la tecnologia blockchain, musicisti e band possono monetizzare le proprie creazioni digitali e fornire ai fan un modo esclusivo per entrare in contatto con la loro arte. In effetti, alcuni dei più grandi nomi del settore, come Kings of Leon e Deadmau5, hanno già adottato gli NFT musicali come metodo per generare nuovi flussi di entrate. Resta al passo con le ultime uscite e supporta i tuoi artisti preferiti visitando OKX oggi stesso.
EulerBeats Genesis
EulerBeats GenesiscertifiedIcon
ETH 0,5
Each EulerBeat NFT is a generative visual & audio art piece. Each Print has a value backed by Eth on a bonding curve. Check on the current value of each Print before transacting on OKX NFT. EulerBeats is an ultra scarce digital art + beat collection generated by applying some of the greatest mathematical discoveries of Euler.
KnownOrigin Series 2
KnownOrigin Series 2certifiedIcon
ETH 0,41
Discover rare digital art and collect NFTs. Since Apr. 2018.
ETH 0,08
As the first release of the Dreamlands universe, Dreamloops feature programmatically generated 8-bit musical loops and 16-bit artwork. 1 in 5 Dreamloops (20%) are be redeemable for physical media (vinyl record or cassette tape). The ‘album covers’ are inspired by classic gaming platforms such as the Amiga, PC98, and Super Nintendo, featuring a retro-futuristic aesthetic. The music for each Dreamloop is composed entirely on a classic NES using a MIDINES cartridge. Each Dreamloop's music and art is unique and features elements of varying scarcity. Dreamloops are minted in a ‘wrapped’ state like a pack of collectible cards or a gift until “unwrapped” using the unwrap feature at The owner of each Dreamloop receives a Creative Commons CC BY-ND license for their musical loop and a CC BY license for the visual composition to use as they see fit. Unwrap your Dreamloops at
Song A Day
Song A DaycertifiedIcon
ETH 0,03
I'm Jonathan Mann, I've been writing and publishing a song a day on the internet every day for the last 5600 days. I hold the Guinness Record for the longest continuous daily song publishing—some people call me the Beeple of Music. By sharing my daily stories with the world, I've gained a following of tens of thousands of fans and community members. Now, I'm giving it all back to the community: I'm turning all of my songs into NFTs that will provide royalties and governance of my entire catalog through SongADAO. Buy a song, join the DAO.
The Next Album by 3LAU
The Next Album by 3LAUcertifiedIcon
ETH 0,03
3LAU is a DJ and producer. He began releasing mashups in 2011 and began growing a following through these YouTube releases. From 2012-2015, he began touring and putting out several singles. His career blew up and has led to hundreds of millions of streams and appearances at EDC Vegas, Electric Zoo, Lollapalooza, and more.
ETH <0,01
10,000 randomly generated, infinite audio NFTs derived from on-chain [Pixelglyph]( data. Each Audioglyph synthesizes a unique, infinite stream of music directly in your browser at lossless quality. ## Future of Music Audioglyphs are a glimpse into a future of music where instead of publishing statically recorded songs and limiting access, artists create infinite variations that are available to all to explore freely. Instead of buying the rights to listen to music, listeners can truly own a unique version. ## Open Technology We plan to open source the core technology Audioglyphs uses for managing and embedding audio processing on the web. With the success of Audioglyphs, we plan to continue to develop tools for artists to create and publish generative music. ## Carbon neutral Carbon emissions from minting will be offset with a donation supporting the Devarahipparigi Wind Power Project in Karnataka, India facilitated by ...
Gramatik, real name Denis Jašarević, has released thirteen albums, four EPs, numerous original scores, singles, and remixes all for free. In 2013, he established his own record label, Lowtemp, allowing him to further realize his idea of music being a free medium. Following a long history of file sharing with his music, Gramatik released his entire discography in partnership with BitTorrent. Gramatik has been a long-time supporter of blockchain technology, participating in a multitude of crypto projects over the last decade and establishing himself as a leading advocate for blockchain's potential to revolutionize the music industry and the artist-fan relationship.
The Duck Song Meme
The Duck Song MemecertifiedIcon
Since creating a fan art NFT for The Duck Song in 2019, I never dreamed I'd be helping to bring this piece of YouTube history to the blockchain via #NFTs! The Duck Song's creators: