
Our Strategic Investment in CARV, the Largest Modular Data Layer for Gaming and AI

We are delighted to announce our strategic investment in CARV, the largest modular data layer for gaming and AI. By participating in the successful US$10 million Series A round led by Tribe Capital and IOSG Ventures, OKX Ventures is thrilled to support CARV’s journey as they continue to innovate and lead in the intersection of gaming and data.

CARV Protocol is a modular cross-chain data layer encompassing components for authentication, storage, processing, and monetization. Adhering to the ERC-7231 standard recently greenlit by the Ethereum Community, CARV ID aggregates over 1 million users' Web2 and Web3 identities, promoting data self-sovereignty.

CARV Play is the cross-platform credentialing system and the largest Web3 gaming distribution and social platform. With its average daily active wallet count exceeding 500,000 over the past quarter, CARV Play is among the top three most active ecosystems on chains like Linea, opBNB, zkSync, and Ronin, offering an enhanced gaming experience for 2.5 million gamers to share data, build credentials, play games, and earn rewards. About 30% of all existing web3 games have already been onboard onto the platform, from MARBLEX and Shrapnel to Off the Grid, Pixelmon, and Pixels.

Looking ahead, CARV is preparing to launch its node sale, aiming to enhance decentralization and bolster trustworthiness across every layer of its protocol.

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