
Our Partnership with Bitcoin Asia to Offer Bitcoin Ordinal Ticketing for Flagship Conference in Hong Kong

  • Our OKX Wallet users can mint Bitcoin Ordinal tickets for Bitcoin Magazine's Bitcoin Asia conference here

Today, we're excited to announce our partnership with Bitcoin Magazine to offer Bitcoin Ordinal ticketing services for the inaugural 'Bitcoin Asia' conference. This flagship Bitcoin-themed conference is set to take place at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in Hong Kong from May 9 to May 10, 2024.

As part of this partnership, our OKX Wallet users can mint passes for the Bitcoin Asia conference in the form of a Bitcoin Ordinal, here. The cost to mint the Ordinal through our OKX Wallet is approximately US$21, while the original 'General Admission' ticket for the conference costs US$249 (about 399,711 sats). We have made 5,000 Ordinal passes available for minting in collaboration with Luminex, a platform for minting BRC-20, Ordinals and Runes.

The Bitcoin Asia conference, hosted by Bitcoin Magazine, aims to bring together key players and projects in the Bitcoin ecosystem for learning, engagement, and networking. Among the impressive lineup of speakers expected at the conference are Casey Rodarmor, the creator of Ordinals and Runes, Elizabeth Stark, CEO and Founder of Lightning Labs and Jason Lau, our Chief Innovation Officer.

As longstanding supporters of the Bitcoin ecosystem, we integrated the Lightning Network into our centralized exchange over two years ago to enable faster and cheaper BTC deposits and withdrawals. In May 2023, we launched our Ordinals Marketplace, becoming the first Web3 platform to support BRC-20 trading.

Following the Bitcoin halving on April 20, 2024, we became the first platform to offer zero-fee trading for Runes, a new fungible token standard created by Casey Rodarmor, on mobile. With this addition, users can create, mint, manage and trade Runes on our Marketplace.

This partnership announcement comes after our successful participation as a Title Sponsor and official NFT Ticket Partner of the 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Festival, held from April 6 to 9, 2024. At the event, our Web3 team showcased the latest breakthroughs and technologies in the blockchain space with the aim of fostering wider adoption and development of the sector.

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