
OKX Announces Crypto Trader and Social Media Sensation Ash Ahn (aka Maeuknam) as OKX 'Top Trader'

  • Influencer to engage users through OKX's Trade Like a Pro campaign and other events

Nassau, The Bahamas, October 20, 2023OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 ecosystem, today announced Ash Ahn (also known as Maeuknam), crypto trader and social media sensation, as an OKX 'Top Trader' and ambassador.

Under the partnership, Ash will share his expertise with OKX's global users through the Trade Like a Pro campaign and participate in a number of global OKX events and trading competitions. In addition, he will help introduce OKX to traders worldwide who are seeking an exchange that meets their expectations, while also leading the industry in terms of trust and transparency.

Ash is a renowned trader who has won multiple world futures trading competitions since 2020. His YouTube channel, Maeuknam, with over 230,000 subscribers, showcases his dedication to educating people about crypto markets. His trading education videos have positioned him as a respected figure within the global trading community, offering valuable insights and strategies to fellow traders.

Ash Ahn said: “OKX is by far my favorite exchange due to its intuitive design, advanced trading functions, liquidity and industry-leading Proof of Reserves. This partnership is an opportunity to share what I've learned about trading, risk management and strategy with OKX users, while collaborating with the OKX team to create educational and fun campaigns that invite crypto users everywhere to give OKX a try."

This partnership reflects OKX's goal to become the exchange of choice for all types of users, including Web3 users, crypto newcomers and seasoned traders.

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