
Announcing Our Appointment of Mehmet Çamır as Chairman of the OKX TR Board

Today, we're excited to announce the appointment of Mehmet Çamır as Chairman of the Board for OKX Türkiye (OKX TR). Mehmet, who has served in Türkiye’s foremost public and private banking institutions and the Turkish Wealth Fund, brings his expertise in regulation, financial markets, public relations and audit, along with his knowledge of the crypto and blockchain space.

We're also pleased to share that our Chief Legal Officer Mauricio Beugelmans has been appointed as a member of the OKX TR Board. Beugelmans, who also oversees our global Legal and Compliance Division, has over 25 years of legal experience in the corporate and finance sectors, and has previously held senior roles at Morgan Stanley and at top law firms in the United States.

Mehmet will steer OKX TR’s efforts in business development, growth, compliance and operations, as we prepare for our official launch in the market.

Our President Hong Fang said: “We're delighted to welcome Mehmet to OKX TR as the Chairman of the Board. With his significant experience in Türkiye’s traditional financial sector, and his advocacy for digital asset innovation since 2016, Mehmet is a valuable addition to our leadership team. He will carry forward our global vision in Türkiye, a key market in our global expansion.”

Mehmet said: “Our goal is to serve the Turkish market by staying close to the local community and leveraging our global resources to ensure security, transparency, and superior customer service. Türkiye holds a significant position in net crypto transaction volume regionally, and has strong potential for innovation and growth. At OKX TR, we aim to drive the development of the local cryptocurrency ecosystem and the future of decentralized finance, positioning our nation as the crypto and Web3 hub of the region.”

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