Metakey: Edition Two - RTFKTstudios #2

Metakey will be an experiment exploring the unlimited use case blockchain technology can bring to a token, (NFT or FT) All you need is ONE Metakey, (Any edition), and we will work to integrate a use case in every project we can. Maybe it's a pet in a Decentraland game or a sword in The Sandbox? Maybe you can take it to a website and unlock a special 15 video course or additional data? Web3 allows us to take NFTs or Fungible Tokens to multiple platforms and have them read differently based on the value a developer assigns. In the coming years we will work to bring 100’s of use cases to Metakey. This is the first set - Edition One - Genesis, after which, new batches from a different artist will be released in sets. Find out more:

أفضل عرض

nft_markets‏‎0.012‏ WETH(‏‎‏‎46.13‏‏$‏)
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متوسط السعر:‏‎‏‎0‏‏‏
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Metakey: Edition Two - RTFKTstudios #2 background