OKX Build

Simplify Web3 for everyone

A full-stack Web3 infrastructure suite for wallets, liquidity, and on-chain data
Access 60+ networks

The ultimate Web3 infrastructure suite

Embrace full capabilities with ease
Easy Web3 integration
Get started in minutes and use our APIs to unlock the decentralized Web3 world for an elevated onboarding experience
Wallet Integration
All-in-one developer portal
Utilize streamlined API management and monitoring hub for seamless control and optimization
OKX Build Developer Portal
Well-rounded Wallet security
Safeguard your digital assets from potential threats, so you can have peace of mind and be confident in your crypto and NFT holdings
Wallet Security
Unlock market potential
Trade crypto and NFTs seamlessly with enhanced liquidity and market-making solutions
Market Liquidity

WaaS solution

Streamline Web3 wallet onboarding for all your Web3 wallet needs

MPC Wallet
OKX Wallet integration
  • MPC Wallet

    MPC Wallet

    OKX WaaS provides MPC (Multi-Party Computation) based on TSS (Threshold Signatures Scheme). Private key security is enhanced through the collaboration of the multiple parties, all while retaining individual control.


    Eliminate risk of single points of failure


    Experience accelerated transaction speeds and improved connectivity

  • OKX Wallet integration

    OKX Wallet integration

    Enjoy access to the multi-chain DEX, NFT marketplace, DeFi, and thousands of DApps — all from one secure and easy-to-use wallet.

    Web SDK

    Mobile SDK (Android, iOS)

  • Get started
    MPC Wallet

Empower your Web3 quest on X Layer

A ZK-powered ETH layer 2 that empowers high performance DApps with a well-rounded infrastructure
X Layer Chain

Join us for a simplified onboarding process and connect with the OKX ecosystem

DApps integrated with OKX Wallet
OKX Wallet downloads
DApps listed on Discover

Kickstart your

epic Web3 journey now!