OKTC client#


exchaincli is the tool that enables you to interact with the node that runs on the OKTC network, whether you run it yourself or not. Let us set it up properly. In order to install it, follow the installation procedure.

Setting up exchaincli#

The main command used to set up exchaincli is the following:

exchaincli config <flag> <value>

It allows you to set a default value for each given flag.

First, set up the address of the full-node you want to connect to:

exchaincli config node <host>:<port>

# example: exchaincli config node https://exchaintesttmrpc.okex.org (testnet)
# example: exchaincli config node https://exchaintmrpc.okex.org (mainnet)

Or any of the following address ports:

# testnet

# mainnet

If you run your own full-node, just use tcp://localhost:26657 as the address.

Then, let us set the default value of the --trust-node flag:

exchaincli config trust-node true

# Set to true if you trust the full-node you are connecting to, false otherwise

Finally, let us set the chain-id of the blockchain we want to interact with:

# testnet
exchaincli config chain-id exchain-65

# mainnet
exchaincli config chain-id exchain-66

Set the output format of exchaincli request response

exchaincli config output json    
exchaincli config indent true

exchaincli user manual#


1. Add an account:#

Parameter description:#

nameAdd an account name (eg. bob)


The system will randomly gerenate information including mnemonic phrases, public keys and addresses

exchaincli keys add <name> [flags]

Successful response:#

exchaincli keys add wind
# Example output
  "name": "wind",
  "type": "local",
  "address": "ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n",
  "eth_address": "0xaAc8b41FA54f61898EA3E5e02fA7Fc9932ea0dC5",
  "pubkey": "expub17weu6qepqw7pvnkjw9j2f6d556clz58wj09nha7qpftu0np4vj5q9mtgrx6qw9nvu7h",
  "mnemonic": "right anxiety future wish fall carpet script old alert entire remain purse"
# Recover keys by mnemonic phrases
exchaincli keys add --recover admin   -y -m "right anxiety future wish fall carpet script old alert entire remain purse"

2. Display all local key information:#

Parameter description:#



Display all local key information

exchaincli keys list [flags]

Successful response:#

  exchaincli keys list
  # Example output
    "name": "alice",
    "type": "local",
    "address": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn",
    "eth_address": "0x2CF4ea7dF75b513509d95946B43062E26bD88035",
    "pubkey": "expub17weu6qepq22qqfh7kd003zdewtx2r8qnyqrysy6h5g8duhxq5exq26hsl7kf6w49q4z"
    "name": "bob",
    "type": "local",
    "address": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
    "eth_address": "0x0073F2E28ef8F117e53d858094086Defaf1837D5",
    "pubkey": "expub17weu6qepqfw5kfxxdmtltjajx0ygfhnxfjzxmvygdjuxp89ddk4cy06wr4urc4hvhmm"

3. Display the information on the key of a specific user:#

Parameter description:#

nameAccount name to be displayed (eg. bob)


Display the information on the key of a specific user

exchaincli keys show [name [name...]] [flags]

Successful response:#

  exchaincli keys show bob
  # Example output
    "name": "bob",
    "type": "local",
    "address": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
    "eth_address": "0x0073F2E28ef8F117e53d858094086Defaf1837D5",
    "pubkey": "expub17weu6qepqfw5kfxxdmtltjajx0ygfhnxfjzxmvygdjuxp89ddk4cy06wr4urc4hvhmm"

4. Delete the information on the key of a specific user:#

Parameter description:#

nameAccount name to be deleted (eg. bob)


Delete the information on the key of a specific user

exchaincli keys delete <name> [flags]

Successful response:#

  exchaincli keys delete bob
  #Example output
  DANGER - enter password to permanently delete key:
  Key deleted forever (uh oh!)

5. Update the information on the key of a specific user:#

Parameter description:#

nameAccount name to be updated (eg. bob)


Update the information on the key of a specific user:

exchaincli keys update <name> [flags]

Successful response:#

  exchaincli keys update bob
  # Example output
  Enter the current passphrase:
  Enter the new passphrase:
  Repeat the new passphrase:
  Password successfully updated!

6. Generate a bip39 mnemonic phrase:#

Parameter description:#



Generate a bip39 mnemonic phrase

exchaincli keys mnemonic [flags]

Successful response:#

exchaincli keys mnemonic

# Example output
board zone elevator lesson welcome meadow love card obey cruise unlock double


Query account balance:#

Parameter description:#

AddressUser address (eg. ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn)


Query user information, including serial numbers, public keys and token balances

exchaincli query account <address>

Successful response:#

  exchaincli query account ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn
  # Example output
    "type": "auth/Account",
    "value": {
      "address": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn",
      "coins": [
          "denom": "acoin",
          "amount": "10000000.00000000"
          "denom": "bcoin",
          "amount": "10000000.00000000"
          "denom": "bcoin-805",
          "amount": "200000.00000000"
          "denom": "okt",
          "amount": "9920000.00000000"
      "public_key": {
        "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
        "value": "AgYaL1tZ7ekqvweQhKojG8sDHUfN23qJWviAsTDIWvYU"
      "account_number": "3",
      "sequence": "4"


Token attributes

Symbolstringunique token ticker, eg. bcoin-y60
OriginalSymbolstringoriginal token ticker entered by the user, eg. bcoin
Descstringtoken description limited to 256 bytes
WholeNamestringfull token name
TotalSupplyint64total token supply
Ownerstring(address)token owner
MintableBoolindicate whether whether to increase the supply of tokens

Dex supports the token issuance function. Commands are as follows:

exchaincli tx token [command]

Secondary sub-commands mainly include the following 7 functions

1. Transfer#

exchaincli tx send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]

Parameter description#

amountstringrecipient address
amountstringtransfer amount, covering various cryptocurrencies separated by commas, eg. 1okt, 2bcoin
fromstringtoken owner


exchaincli tx send alice ex1fh9tpkqka29n0mj307cu5cvp5ts0p4dl3mkv7r 2okt --from alice --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block

Successful response:#

  "height": "63",
  "txhash": "AF5742022E2A183AB0C9BB90F130BFBBFEE1E69C05B20F4E417C2C9E93A52A16",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":\"0\",\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\"}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": "0",
      "success": true,
      "log": ""
  "tags": [
      "key": "fee",
      "value": "0.00020000 okt"
      "key": "action",
      "value": "send"

2. Issue tokens:#

parameter description:#

symbolstringsymbol is a non-case-sensitive token ticker limited to 6 alphanumeric characters, but the first character cannot be a number, eg. “bcoin” since the system will automatically add 3 random characters, such as "bcoin-gf6"
descstringtoken description limited to 256 bytes
total-supply(-n)inttotal token supply
whole-name(-w)stringfull token name
mintablestringindicate whether to increase the supply of tokens
fromstringtoken owner
broadcast-mode(-b)stringtransaction broadcast modes (sync|async|block)


Issue a new token

exchaincli tx token issue [flags]

Successful response:#

exchaincli tx token issue --from alice --symbol bcoin -n 200000 -w 'bcoin' --desc 'blockchain coin' --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block --mintable  
# example  
  "height": "340949",
  "txhash": 	"02978378301B38883C5CA9E17997B5CC5701DED817BA8B516851B1F706BD2544",
  "raw_log": "[{"msg_index":"0","success":true,"log":""}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": "0",
      "success": true,
      "log": ""
  "tags": [
      "key": "fee",
      "value": "20000.00000000 okt"
      "key": "action",
      "value": "issue"
      "key": "symbol",
      "value": "bcoin-254"

3. Increase the supply of tokens:#

Parameter description:#

amountintamount of increase in supply
symbolstringtoken symbol
fromstringtoken owner


A certain amount of supply of tokens issued is increased and only tokens with mintable parameters upon issuance can be issued

exchaincli tx token mint [flags]

Successful response:#

exchaincli tx token mint --amount 10000000 --symbol okt --from alice --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block
# Example output
  "height": "341001",
  "txhash": "D890F0A3140797410179270BFF5353B15AAF0C14847715319DA64499754BECF6",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":\"0\",\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\"}]",
  "logs": [
       "msg_index": "0",
       "success": true,
       "log": ""
  "tags": [
       "key": "fee",
       "value": "2000.00000000 okt"
       "key": "action",
       "value": "mint"

4. Burn tokens:#

Parameter description:#

amountstringamount of tokens burnt (decimal places allowed)
symbolstringtoken symbol
fromstringtoken owner


A certain amount of tokens issued are burnt

exchaincli tx token burn [flags]

Successful response:#

exchaincli tx token burn --from alice --symbol okt --amount 100.0 --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block
  # Example output
  "height": "341036",
  "txhash": "DB72C94B7D42EAEEE0AC129488DC637B270B9E389FFA5FD483DE927DB92D928F",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":\"0\",\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\"}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": "0",
      "success": true,
      "log": ""
  "tags": [
      "key": "fee",
      "value": "10.00000000 okt"
      "key": "action",
      "value": "burn"

5. Query token information:#


Query token information

exchaincli query token info <symbol>

Successful response:#

  # Example output
    "desc": "blockchain coin",
    "symbol": "bcoin-254",
    "originalSymbol": "bcoin",
    "wholeName": "bcoin",
    "totalSupply": "200000",
    "owner": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn",
    "mintable": true

6. Transfer multiple tokens to users at the same time:#


Transfer multiple tokens to users at the same time and specify the transfer files through --transfers-file. When --transfers-file is specified, --transfers is ignored

exchaincli tx token multi-send [flags]

Successful response:#

  exchaincli tx token multi-send --from alice --transfers '[{"to":"ex1fh9tpkqka29n0mj307cu5cvp5ts0p4dl3mkv7r","amount":"1okt,2btc-254"}]' --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block
  # Example output
    "height": "341487",
    "txhash": "1FA997F9557156A36AC8E3E2B5932888973796ABD0FB6FCEB3581B3BDF495D6B",
    "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":\"0\",\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\"}]",
    "logs": [
        "msg_index": "0",
        "success": true,
        "log": ""
    "tags": [
        "key": "fee",
        "value": "0.02000000 okt"
        "key": "action",
        "value": "multi-send"

7. Multi-signature transfer#

Multi-signature transfer consists of multiple steps:

7.1. Creat accounts p1, p2, p3:#


exchaincli keys add --pubkey=expub1addwnpepqtg367t3j6myh4ces0luq3f6g87ptzwszpl9g5r28tgavypkdmm2w5l4zuq p1

exchaincli keys add --pubkey=expub1addwnpepqg334a4my6ufrs7r0ajsd6lxac9arsvtqljf0fzrgr27xvf3n5uugpsxna8 p2

exchaincli keys add --pubkey=expub1addwnpepqd7jd60n88tk98hyh72xsw48pjpfhdw0cd77ju59eqc88sxscfjkgx7tyfc p3

7.2. Generate multi-signature public keys:#

  • Aggregate multi-signature public keys p1, p2 and p3 and set the signature threshold as N, which means the transfer is effective after obtaining N people’s signatures.

  • Set the signature threshold as 2 in the example:

exchaincli keys add --multisig-threshold=2 --multisig=p1,p2,p3 p1p2p3

--multisig-threshold is the threshold for the number of private keys involved in multi-signature transactions.

--multisig tag must contain the names of sub-public keys to be aggregated into a single public key, which will be generated in a local database and stored as new_key_name. All names provided via --multisig must have already existed in the local database.

  • Display user addresses and deposit into them: Display user addresses p1, p2, p3 and deposit 100.1 okt into them
  • Example:
exchaincli keys show -a p1p2p3
exchaincli tx send ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n 100.1okt --from=alice
exchaincli query account ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n

7.3. Multi-signature:#

Create an unsigned transaction:

Create an unsigned transaction unsignedTx.json

exchaincli tx send ex1fh9tpkqka29n0mj307cu5cvp5ts0p4dl3mkv7r 10okt \
  --chain-id=exchain-65 \
  --from=ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n \
  --generate-only > unsignedTx.json
p1, p2, p3 sign:
exchaincli tx sign \
  --multisig=ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n \
  --from=alice \
  --output-document=p1signature.json \

exchaincli tx sign \
  --multisig=ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n \
  --from=jack \
  --output-document=p2signature.json \
Create an aggregate signature:

Create an aggregate signature signedTx.json since the default threshold is set to 2 so that a transaction with p1p2 can be executed.

exchaincli tx multisign \
  unsignedTx.json \
  p1p2p3 \
  p1signature.json p2signature.json > signedTx.json

7.4. Execute a transaction signedTx.json:#

Execute a signed signedTx.json offline and query the balance for confirmation.

exchaincli tx broadcast signedTx.json

exchaincli query account ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n

8. Transfer token ownership:#

We support the function where token ownership can be transferred to another person. In order to ensure the security of token ownership transfer, new owner need to confirm the transfer. The process consists of the following 2 steps:

original owner(from) executes transfer-ownership command:#

exchaincli tx token transfer-ownership [flags]
Successful response:
# from alice to jack
exchaincli tx token transfer-ownership --from ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn --to ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme --symbol okt

# response
  "height": "82",
  "txhash": "64B15998B1CAEE893565FEC13698B0F1C55491C9E58E0AECB06543639CFBD8ED",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":null}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "",
      "events": null
  "gas_wanted": "200000",
  "gas_used": "68438",
  "events": [
      "type": "message",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
          "key": "module",
          "value": "token"
          "key": "fee",
          "value": "10.00200000okt"
          "key": "action",
          "value": "transfer"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
      "type": "transfer",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1qj5c07sm6jetjz8f509qtrxgh4psxkv3ddyq7u"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "10.00000000okt"
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1qj5c07sm6jetjz8f509qtrxgh4psxkv3ddyq7u"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"

new owner(to) executes confirm-ownership command:#

exchaincli tx token confirm-ownership [flags]
Successful response:
exchaincli tx token confirm-ownership --from ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme --symbol okt

# response
  "height": "137",
  "txhash": "3801632ED2010CB478EAD1346D8F53C72BBF6716577A57100A5969DC5D809DEB",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":null}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "",
      "events": null
  "gas_wanted": "200000",
  "gas_used": "43091",
  "events": [
      "type": "message",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "module",
          "value": "token"
          "key": "fee",
          "value": "10.00200000okt"
          "key": "action",
          "value": "confirm"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme"
      "type": "transfer",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1qj5c07sm6jetjz8f509qtrxgh4psxkv3ddyq7u"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"

The transfer of token ownership is successful only after the new owner(to) confirmed the transfer. If new owner(to) does not confirm the transfer, the transaction will automatically expire after a period of time(default 24h).


Decentralized exchange management subcommands

$ exchaincli tx dex  -h

  exchaincli tx dex [command]

Available Commands:
  list               list a trading pair
  deposit            deposit an amount of token on a product
  withdraw           withdraw an amount of token from a product
  transfer-ownership change the owner of the product
  confirm-ownership  confirm the transfer-ownership of the product
  register-operator  register a dex operator
  edit-operator      edit a dex operator

  -h, --help   help for dex

Secondary subcommand including features as below

List a token pair#

$ exchaincli tx dex list -h

    exchaincli tx dex list --base-asset tusdk-9a2 --quote-asset tbtc-965 --from mykey --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block -y

    exchaincli tx dex list [flags]
      --base-asset string       base-asset should be issued before listed to opendex (default "btc")
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
  -h, --help                    help for list
      --init-price string       init-price should be valid price (default "0.01")
      --quote-asset string      quote-asset should be issued before listed to opendex (default "okt")
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Deposit an amount of okt on a token pair#

$ exchaincli tx dex deposit -h

    exchaincli tx dex deposit tusdk-9a2_tbtc-965 100okt --from mykey --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block -y

    exchaincli tx dex deposit [product] [amount] [flags]

      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
  -h, --help                    help for deposit
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Withdraw an amount of okt from a token pairs#

$ exchaincli tx dex  withdraw -h

    exchaincli tx dex withdraw tusdk-9a2_tbtc-965 50okt --from mykey --from mykey --gas-prices 0.00000001okt --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 -b block -y

    exchaincli tx dex withdraw [product] [amount] [flags]


      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
  -h, --help                    help for withdraw
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

transfer the ownership of token pair#

We support the function where token pair ownership can be transferred to another DEX operator. In order to ensure the security of ownership transfer, new owner need to confirm the transfer. The process consists of the following 2 steps:

original owner(from) executes transfer-ownership command:#

exchaincli tx dex transfer-ownership [flags]
Successful response:
# from alice to jack
exchaincli tx dex transfer-ownership --from ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn --to ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m --product btc_okt

# response
  "height": "82",
  "txhash": "64B15998B1CAEE893565FEC13698B0F1C55491C9E58E0AECB06543639CFBD8ED",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":null}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "",
      "events": null
  "gas_wanted": "200000",
  "gas_used": "68438",
  "events": [
      "type": "message",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
          "key": "module",
          "value": "token"
          "key": "fee",
          "value": "10.00200000okt"
          "key": "action",
          "value": "transfer"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
      "type": "transfer",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1qj5c07sm6jetjz8f509qtrxgh4psxkv3ddyq7u"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "10.00000000okt"
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1qj5c07sm6jetjz8f509qtrxgh4psxkv3ddyq7u"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"

new owner(to) executes confirm-ownership command:#

exchaincli tx dex confirm-ownership [flags]
Successful response:
exchaincli tx dex confirm-ownership --from ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme --product btc_okt

# response
  "height": "137",
  "txhash": "3801632ED2010CB478EAD1346D8F53C72BBF6716577A57100A5969DC5D809DEB",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":null}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "",
      "events": null
  "gas_wanted": "200000",
  "gas_used": "43091",
  "events": [
      "type": "message",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "module",
          "value": "token"
          "key": "fee",
          "value": "10.00200000okt"
          "key": "action",
          "value": "confirm"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme"
      "type": "transfer",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1qj5c07sm6jetjz8f509qtrxgh4psxkv3ddyq7u"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"

The transfer of token pair ownership is successful only after the new owner(to) confirmed the transfer. If new owner(to) does not confirm the transfer, the transaction will automatically expire after a period of time(default 24h).

Query the listed token pairs#

$ exchaincli query dex products -h

    exchaincli query dex products -p 1 -i 1

    exchaincli query dex products [flags]

-h, --help                 help for products
-i, --items-per-page int   items per page (default 50)
    --node string          <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
    --owner string         address of the product owner
-p, --page-number int      page num (default 1)

Query token pairs deposits of account#

$ exchaincli query dex deposits -h

    exchaincli query dex deposits ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n -i 1

    exchaincli query dex deposits [account-addr] [flags]

-h, --help                 help for deposits
-i, --items-per-page int   items per page (default 50)
-p, --page-number int      page num (default 1)

Query the match order of token pairs#

$ exchaincli query dex match-order -h

    exchaincli query dex match-order -i 1 --node ${url}

    exchaincli query dex match-order [flags]

-h, --help                 help for match-order
-i, --items-per-page int   items per page (default 50)
-p, --page-number int      page num (default 1)

Query relevant parameters from DEX#

Query all the parameters for the governance process

$ exchaincli query dex  params -h

    exchaincli query dex  params --node ${url}

    exchaincli query dex params [flags]

Query all the delisting token pairs#

Query all products’ names involved in a DEX delisting

$ exchaincli query dex  products-delisting -h

    exchaincli query dex  products-delisting --node ${url}

    exchaincli query dex products-delisting [flags]


Order attributes

txhashstringtxHash of the place order tx
order_idstringorder id, denoted as "blockHeight-orderNumInBlock".
senderstringorder maker address
productstringproduct for trading pair in full name of the tokens
pricestringprice of the order
quantitystringquantity of the order
statusint64order status,(0-5) respectively represents (Open, Filled, Cancelled, Expired, PartialFilledCancelled, PartialFilledExpired)
filled_avg_pricestringfilled average price
remain_quantitystringRemaining quantity of the order
remain_lockedstringRemaining locked quantity of token
timestampint64created timestamp
order_expire_blocksint64the number of block heights that need to pass when the order expires
fee_per_blockstringhandling fee receivable for each block
extra_infostringextra info of order in json format

1. Place or cancel an order:#

Dex supports order placing and cancellation functions. Commands are as follows:

exchaincli tx order

Secondary sub-commands mainly include the following 2 functions

1.1 Place orders:#


Place one or multiple orders.

# place orders
exchaincli tx order new [flags]
  -a, --account-number uint     The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --generate-only           Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                    help for new
      --indent                  Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger                  Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string             Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
  -p, --price string            The price of the order
      --product string          Trading pair in full name of the tokens: ${baseAssetSymbol}_${quoteAssetSymbol}, for example "mycoin_okt".
  -q, --quantity string         The quantity of the order
      --sequence uint           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -s, --side string             BUY or SELL (default "SELL")
      --trust-node              Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses) (default true)
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Successful response:
# example
exchaincli tx order new --product xxb-08a_okt,xxb-08a_okt -s BUY,BUY -p 1,1 -q 1,1 --from captain --gas-prices="0.00000001okt" --gas "200000" -y -b block
# example return
  "height": "373",
  "txhash": "6993FB047F445C24F9463D97E6C2EFCE30009299C885005A982E10417DC2ADD4",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":null}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "",
      "events": null
  "gas_wanted": "200000",
  "gas_used": "95042",
  "events": [
      "type": "message",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
          "key": "module",
          "value": "order"
          "key": "orders",
          "value": "[{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"\",\"orderid\":\"ID0000000373-1\"},{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"\",\"orderid\":\"ID0000000373-2\"}]"
          "key": "action",
          "value": "new"
          "key": "fee",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
      "type": "transfer",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "1.00000000okt"
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "1.00000000okt"
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"

1.2 Cancel orders:#


Cancel one or multiple orders.

exchaincli tx order cancel [order-id] [flags]
  -a, --account-number uint     The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --generate-only           Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                    help for new
      --indent                  Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger                  Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string             Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
  -p, --price string            The price of the order
      --product string          Trading pair in full name of the tokens: ${baseAssetSymbol}_${quoteAssetSymbol}, for example "mycoin_okt".
  -q, --quantity string         The quantity of the order
      --sequence uint           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -s, --side string             BUY or SELL (default "SELL")
      --trust-node              Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses) (default true)
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Successful response:
# example
exchaincli tx order cancel ID0000000373-1,ID0000000373-2 --from captain --gas-prices="0.00000001okt" --gas "200000" -y -b block

# example return
  "height": "441",
  "txhash": "3B139AB85BE6FB05E2E18FD41C7B1D4F70A9FCD2A992476063E5A15C36F0A805",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":null}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "",
      "events": null
  "gas_wanted": "200000",
  "gas_used": "86743",
  "events": [
      "type": "message",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex1hcngft7gfkhn8z8fnlajzh7agyt0az0v6ztmme"
          "key": "module",
          "value": "order"
          "key": "orders",
          "value": "[{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"0.00000000okt\",\"orderid\":\"ID0000000373-1\"},{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"0.00000000okt\",\"orderid\":\"ID0000000373-2\"}]"
          "key": "action",
          "value": "cancel"
          "key": "fee",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"
          "key": "sender",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
      "type": "transfer",
      "attributes": [
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "1.00000000okt"
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "1.00000000okt"
          "key": "recipient",
          "value": "ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n"
          "key": "amount",
          "value": "0.00200000okt"

order-id A list of orderIds separated by commas

2. Operation query:#

Dex supports various functions including order query, depthbook and users’ order books. Commands are as follows:

exchaincli query order

Secondary sub-commands mainly include the following functions

2.1 Order details:#


Query the information of a order.

exchaincli query order detail [orderId]
  -h, --help          help for detail
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger        Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string   <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Successful response:
# example
exchaincli query order detail ID0000000525-1
# example return
	"txhash": "B32EC706A2B5ACCF4FC43D6530588C0C9E36E79AC572D3443653281500D46FDA",
	"order_id": "ID0000000525-1",
	"sender": "ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn",
	"product": "xxb-08a_okt",
	"side": "BUY",
	"price": "1.00000000",
	"quantity": "1.00000000",
	"status": "0",
	"filled_avg_price": "0.00000000",
	"remain_quantity": "1.00000000",
	"remain_locked": "1.00000000",
	"timestamp": "1589539376",
	"order_expire_blocks": "259200",
	"fee_per_block": {
		"denom": "okt",
		"amount": "0.00000000"
	"extra_info": "{\"newFee\":\"0.00000000okt\"}"

2.2 Order depthbook:#

Query the information of the depthbook.

exchaincli query order depthbook [product]
  -h, --help          help for depthbook
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger        Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string   <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --size int      depth book single-side size (default 200)
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Successful response:
# example
exchaincli query order depthbook mycoin_okt
# example return
	"asks": null,
	"bids": [{
		"price": "1.00000000",
		"quantity": "2.00000000"

2.3 order store:#

Query the state of depthbook.

exchaincli query order store
      --dbpath string   db path (if this path is given, query through local file)
      --dump            dump all key-value constants of specified module
  -h, --help            help for store
      --indent          Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger          Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string     <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node      Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Successful response:
# example
exchaincli query order store

# example return
	"StoreOrderNum": "2",
	"DepthBookNum": {
		"xxb-08a_okt": "1"
	"BookOrderIDsNum": {
		"xxb-08a_okt:1.00000000:BUY": "2"

2.4 order parameters:#

Query all parameters during governance

exchaincli query order params
  -h, --help          help for params
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger        Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string   <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Successful response:
# example
exchaincli query order params

# example return
  "order_expire_blocks": "259200",
  "max_deals_per_block": "1000",
  "fee_per_block": {
    "denom": "okt",
    "amount": "0.00000000"
  "trade_fee_rate": "0.00100000"


The module supports various functions on unfilled orders, filled order history, transaction lists, fee details, matching results, candlestick data and ticker data query. The command lines are as follows:

exchaincli backend

Secondary sub-commands have the following functions

1. Users’ order books:#


exchaincli backend orders [open/closed] [addr] [flags]

      --end int          end timestamp. if start and end is set to 0, it means ignoring time condition.
  -h, --help             help for orders
      --hideNoFill       hide orders that have no fills
      --node string      <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --page int         page num (default 1)
      --perPage int      items per page (default 50)
  -p, --product string   filter orders by product
      --side string      filter deals by side, support SELL|BUY, default for empty string means all
      --start int        start timestamp. if start and end is set to 0, it means ignoring time condition.

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend orders open $(exchaincli keys show bob -a)
# example return
	"code": 0,
	"msg": "",
	"detailMsg": "",
	"data": {
		"data": [{
			"txHash": "7E71C87B9687D21CA0E4FE2044D28019949B5FFFB5CE9464A247CC95F463DC69",
			"orderId": "ID0000000011-1",
			"sender": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
			"product": "mycoin_okt",
			"side": "SELL",
			"price": "11.10000000",
			"quantity": "1.00000000",
			"status": 0,
			"filledAvgPrice": "0.00000000",
			"remainQuantity": "1.00000000",
			"timestamp": 1563890879
		"paramPage": {
			"page": 1,
			"perPage": 50,
			"total": 1

2. Transaction lists:#


exchaincli backend deals [flags]

      --address string   filter deals by address
      --end int          filter deals by < end timestamp
  -h, --help             help for deals
      --node string      <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --page int         page num (default 1)
      --perPage int      items per page (default 50)
      --product string   filter deals by product
      --side string      filter deals by side, support SELL|BUY|ALL, default for empty string means all
      --start int        filter deals by >= start timestamp

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend deals --address=$(exchaincli keys show bob -a)
# example return
	"code": 0,
	"msg": "",
	"detailMsg": "",
	"data": {
		"data": [{
			"timestamp": 1563890996,
			"blockHeight": 127,
			"orderId": "ID0000000105-1",
			"sender": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
			"product": "mycoin_okt",
			"side": "SELL",
			"price": 4,
			"volume": 1,
			"fee": "0.00160000okt"
		"paramPage": {
			"page": 1,
			"perPage": 50,
			"total": 1

3. User fee details:#


exchaincli backend fees [addr] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for fees
      --node string   <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --page int      page num (default 1)
      --perPage int   items per page (default 50)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend fees $(exchaincli keys show bob -a)
# example return
	"code": 0,
	"msg": "",
	"detailMsg": "",
	"data": {
		"data": [{
			"address": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
			"fee": "0.00160000okt",
			"feeType": "deal",
			"timestamp": 1563890996
		}, {
			"address": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
			"fee": "0.01250000okt",
			"feeType": "transfer",
			"timestamp": 1563890942
		"paramPage": {
			"page": 1,
			"perPage": 50,
			"total": 2

4. Obtain lists of matching results:#


exchaincli backend matches [flags]

      --end int          filter deals by < end timestamp
  -h, --help             help for matches
      --node string      <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --page int         page num (default 1)
      --perPage int      items per page (default 50)
      --product string   filter deals by product
      --start int        filter deals by >= start timestamp

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend matches
# example return
	"code": 0,
	"msg": "",
	"detailMsg": "",
	"data": {
		"data": [{
			"timestamp": 1563890996,
			"blockHeight": 127,
			"product": "mycoin_okt",
			"price": 4,
			"volume": 1
		"paramPage": {
			"page": 1,
			"perPage": 50,
			"total": 1

5. Obtain lists of past transactions containing user addresses:#


exchaincli backend txs [addr] [flags]

      --end int       filter txs by end timestamp
  -h, --help          help for txs
      --node string   <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --page int      page num (default 1)
      --perPage int   items per page (default 50)
      --start int     filter txs by start timestamp
      --type int      filter txs by txType

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend txs $(exchaincli keys show bob -a)
# example return
	"code": 0,
	"msg": "",
	"detailMsg": "",
	"data": {
		"data": [{
			"txHash": "550101C97C83028F228542755F76A806D00D6635C64E5762EF6FD1667A900D81",
			"type": 2,
			"address": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
			"symbol": "mycoin_okt",
			"side": 2,
			"quantity": "1.00000000",
			"fee": "0.00000000okt",
			"timestamp": 1563890974
		}, {
			"txHash": "B287E99E1938FD2C4A6D31F6EBD928920572B4A9385FB4D1C630436985046112",
			"type": 1,
			"address": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
			"symbol": "okt",
			"side": 3,
			"quantity": "10000.00000000",
			"fee": "0.01250000okt",
			"timestamp": 1563890942
		}, {
			"txHash": "7E71C87B9687D21CA0E4FE2044D28019949B5FFFB5CE9464A247CC95F463DC69",
			"type": 2,
			"address": "ex1qpel9c5wlrc30efaskqfgzrda7h3sd74ngnx6m",
			"symbol": "mycoin_okt",
			"side": 2,
			"quantity": "1.00000000",
			"fee": "0.00000000okt",
			"timestamp": 1563890879
		"paramPage": {
			"page": 1,
			"perPage": 50,
			"total": 3

6. Obtain tx hash of a block at a specific height:#


exchaincli backend block_tx_hashes [height] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for block-tx-hashes
      --node string   <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend block-tx-hashes 105
# example return

7. Query candlestick data:#


exchaincli backend klines [flags]

  -g, --granularity int   [60/180/300/900/1800/3600/7200/14400/21600/43200/86400/604800], second in unit (default 60)
  -h, --help              help for klines
      --node string       <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
  -p, --product string    product of coin pairs (default "okt_xxx")
  -s, --size int          at most 1000 (default 1)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend klines -p mycoin_okt 

# example return
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
  "detailMsg": "",
  "msg": ""

8. Query market data:#


exchaincli backend tickers [flags]

  -c, --count int        ticker count (default 10)
  -h, --help             help for tickers
      --node string      <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
  -p, --product string   product of coin pairs (default "mycoin_okt")
  -s, --sort             true or false (default true)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|bcoin) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/dwil/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Successful response:#

# example
exchaincli backend tickers -p mycoin_okt

# example return
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "symbol": "mycoin_okt",
      "product": "mycoin_okt",
      "timestamp": 1563893602,
      "open": 4,
      "close": 11,
      "high": 11,
      "low": 4,
      "price": 11,
      "volume": 4,
      "change": 7,
      "changePercentage": "175.00%"
  "detailMsg": "",
  "msg": ""


Create, destroy, edit-validator#

Create validator#

Create a new validator with own keys

$ exchaincli tx staking create-validator -h

    exchaincli tx staking create-validator --moniker $MONIKER --pubkey $PUBKEY --from mykey
    exchaincli tx staking create-validator [flags]

    -- moniker  	The validator’s name
    -- pubkey  		The Bech32 encoded PubKey of the validator  

Destroy validator#

  • The unbonding of min-self-delegation causes the validator to move from bonded status to unbonding status while being jailed, and this operation will not affect the staking rights distribution of other delegators on this validator.

  • After the operation is performed, the delegator can still withdraw its deposited tokens directly or unbind the staking rights from the proxy delegator or redelegate to other validators. Once the number of shares(staking rights) and min-self-delegation of the validator are both 0, the validator will be completely removed from the validator set.

  • The min-self-delegationSD in unbonding status has a freeze period of 14 days (the same as the normal unbounding time parameter)

  • Destroy a validator and withdraw the self-delegation

$ exchaincli tx staking destroy-validator -h
    exchaincli tx staking destroy-validator --from mykey
    exchaincli tx staking destroy-validator [flags]

Edit validator#

Edit the detail info of a validator

$ exchaincli tx staking edit-validator -h

    exchaincli tx staking edit-validator --moniker "my new name" --identity "http://mynewwebsite/pic/newlogo.jpg" --website "http://mynewwebsites" --details "my new slogans" --from mykey
    exchaincli tx staking edit-validator [flags]

	  -- moniker		The validator’s name (default "[do-not-modify]")
	  -- identity		The  (optional) identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase) (default "[do-not-modify]")
	  -- website		The validator’s (optional) website (default "[do-not-modify]")
	  -- details 		The validator’s (optional) details (default "[do-not-modify]")

Delegate & vote#


Delegate an amount of okt

$ exchaincli tx staking delegate -h

	  exchaincli tx staking delegate 1024.1024okt --from mykey
    exchaincli tx staking delegate [amount] [flags]


Vote on one or more validator(s) by delegate okt

Vote on one or more validator(s)

$ exchaincli tx staking vote -h

    exchaincli tx staking vote exvaloper1alq9na49n9yycysh889rl90g9nhe58lcs50wu5,exvaloper1svzxp4ts5le2s4zugx34ajt6shz2hg42a3gl7g,exvaloper10q0rk5qnyag7wfvvt7rtphlw589m7frs863s3m,exvaloper1g7znsf24w4jc3xfca88pq9kmlyjdare6mph5rx --from mykey

    exchaincli tx staking vote [validator-addr1, validator-addr2, validator-addr3, ... validator-addrN] [flags]


When a delegator withdraws its deposit token, the according shares will be deducted from the validator that the delegator delegated to. It will take 14 days for the unbonding process of the tokens to take place.

  • Allow the user to exchange votes into tokens multiple times, and the number of votes allowed to be withdrawn from deposit can be 0.001 \ ~ n (total number of votes owned by the user)
  • If the user status is “voted”, after the command is executed, the number of votes that have been voted will be automatically updated and deducted. Essentially, the new votes will be used for re-voting
  • If the user status is “voted”, executing the command and withdrawing all the votes will essentially execute the unbond behavior.
  • If the user’s status is “not voted”, after the command is executed, the votes will not be affected. After 14 days, it will be converted into tokens and returned to the user’s account.
  • Users are allowed to perform the “unbond” operation as many times as they wish, but it only takes effect for the last time, and the last unbond operation automatically accumulates the transaction amount in the unbonding process.

Unbond shares and withdraw the same amount of votes

$ exchaincli tx staking unbond -h

    exchaincli tx staking unbond 1024.1024okt --from mykey

    exchaincli tx staking unbond [amount] [flags]

query delegator & vote information#

Query the information of delegations and all votes recently made by a delegator

$ exchaincli query staking delegator -h

    exchaincli query staking delegator ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn
    exchaincli query staking delegator [address] [flags]

Query the votes info on a specific validator#

Query the information of all votes recently made to a validator

$ exchaincli query staking votes-to -h

	  exchaincli query staking votes-to exvaloper1alq9na49n9yycysh889rl90g9nhe58lcs50wu5
    exchaincli query staking votes-to [validator-addr] [flags]

Query others#

    exchaincli query staking [command] [flags]

Available Commands:
    validator                  Query a validator
    validators                 Query for all validators
    params                     Query the current staking parameters information
    pool                       Query the current staking pool values

Proxy vote#

Register proxy#

Used for register as a proxy

Become a proxy by registration

$ exchaincli tx staking proxy reg -h

	  exchaincli tx staking proxy reg --from mykey
	  exchaincli tx staking proxy reg [flags]

Unregister proxy#

Unregister the proxy identity

$ exchaincli tx staking proxy unreg -h

	  exchaincli tx staking proxy unreg --from mykey
    exchaincli tx staking proxy unreg [flags]

Bind proxy#

Bind proxy relationship

$ exchaincli tx staking proxy bind -h

	  exchaincli tx staking proxy bind ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn --from mykey
    exchaincli tx staking proxy bind [flags]

Unbind proxy#

Unbind proxy relationship

$ exchaincli tx staking proxy unbind -h

	  exchaincli tx staking proxy unbind ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn --from mykey
    exchaincli tx staking proxy unbind [flags]

Query proxy#

Query the addresses of delegators by a specific proxy

$ exchaincli query staking proxy -h

	  exchaincli query staking proxy ex19n6w5l0htdgn2zwet9rtgvrzuf4a3qp4znwfcn
    exchaincli query staking proxy [address] [flags]


Withdraw rewards#

Withdraw rewards coming from fees to the validator account

$ exchaincli tx distr withdraw-rewards -h

    exchaincli tx distr withdraw-rewards exvaloper1g7znsf24w4jc3xfca88pq9kmlyjdare6mph5rx --from ${name} --node ${url}

    exchaincli tx distr withdraw-rewards [validator-address] [flags]

	--from ${name} Name or address of private key with which to sign
	--node ${url}  <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")

Query distribution parameters#

Execution parameters for distribution module

Query distribution parameters

$ exchaincli query distr params -h

    exchaincli query distr params --node ${url}
    exchaincli query distr params [flags]

	--node ${url}  validator address

Query community pool#

Query all coins in the community pool which is under Governance control.

$ exchaincli query distr community-pool -h

    exchaincli query distr community-pool --node ${url}
    exchaincli query distr community-pool [flags]

	--node ${url}  validator address

Query validator commission rewards from delegators#

Query validator commission rewards from delegators to that validator.

$ exchaincli query distr commission -h

    exchaincli query distr commission exvaloper1g7znsf24w4jc3xfca88pq9kmlyjdare6mph5rx --node ${url}
    exchaincli query distr commission [validator] [flags]

	--node ${url}  validator address


DEX delisting proposal#

Submit a DEX delisting proposal along with an initial deposit.

$ exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal delist-proposal -h

Submit a dex delist proposal along with an initial deposit.
The proposal details must be supplied via a JSON file.

  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal delist-proposal <path/to/proposal.json> --from=<key_or_address>

Where proposal.json contains:

 "title": "delist xxx/okt",
 "description": "delist asset from dex",
 "base_asset": "xxx",
 "quote_asset": "okt",
 "deposit": [
     "denom": "okt",
     "amount": "100"

  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal delist-proposal [proposal-file] [flags]

  -a, --account-number uint     The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --dry-run                 ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don’t broadcast it
      --fees string             Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 1okt
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string              gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically (default 200000) (default "200000")
      --gas-adjustment float    adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string       Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 1okt)
      --generate-only           Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                    help for delist-proposal
      --indent                  Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger                  Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string             Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --sequence uint           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --trust-node              Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses) (default true)
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Text proposal#

Submit a proposal along with an initial deposit.

$ exchaincli tx gov  submit-proposal -h
Submit a proposal along with an initial deposit.
Proposal title, description, type and deposit can be given directly or through a proposal JSON file.

  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal --proposal="path/to/proposal.json" --from mykey

Where proposal.json contains:

  "title": "Test Proposal",
  "description": "My awesome proposal",
  "type": "Text",
  "deposit": "10okt"

Which is equivalent to:

  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal --title="Test Proposal" --description="My awesome proposal" --type="Text" \
	--deposit="10okt" --from mykey

  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal [flags]
  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal [command]

Available Commands:
  upgrade              submit a app upgrade proposal
  param-change         Submit a parameter change proposal
  delist-proposal      Submit a dex delist proposal
  community-pool-spend Submit a community pool spend proposal

  -a, --account-number uint     The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --deposit string          deposit of proposal
      --description string      description of proposal
      --dry-run                 ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don’t broadcast it
      --fees string             Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 1okt
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string              gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically (default 200000) (default "200000")
      --gas-adjustment float    adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string       Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 1okt)
      --generate-only           Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                    help for submit-proposal
      --indent                  Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger                  Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string             Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --proposal string         proposal file path (if this path is given, other proposal flags are ignored)
      --sequence uint           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --title string            title of proposal
      --trust-node              Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses) (default true)
      --type string             proposalType of proposal, types: text/parameter_change/software_upgrade
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Use "exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Parameter description:
--titletitle of the proposal
--descriptiondescription of the proposal (for text proposals only)
--typetype of the proposal initiated (for text proposals only)
--depositinitial deposit specified when the proposal is initiated
--fromaccount name specified for sending a transaction
--homeaccount name and the directory where exchaincli is configured
if it is ~/.exchaincli can ignore the parameters
-b/--broadcast-modespecific transaction broadcast modes(async、sync、block)

Change parameter proposal#

Submit a parameter modification proposal along with an initial deposit.

$ exchaincli tx gov  submit-proposal param-change -h

Submit a parameter modification proposal along with an initial deposit.
The proposal details must be supplied via a JSON file. For values that contains
objects, only non-empty fields will be updated.

IMPORTANT: Currently parameter changes are evaluated but not validated, so it is
very important that any "value" change is valid (ie. correct type and within bounds)
for its respective parameter, eg. "MaxValidators" should be an integer and not a decimal.

Proper vetting of a parameter change proposal should prevent this from happening
(no deposits should occur during the governance process), but it should be noted

  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal param-change <path/to/proposal.json> --from=<key_or_address>

Where proposal.json contains:

  "title": "Staking Param Change",
  "description": "Update max validators",
  "changes": [
      "subspace": "staking",
      "key": "MaxValidators",
      "value": 105
  "deposit": [
      "denom": common.NativeToken,
      "amount": "10000"
  "height": "1000"

  exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal param-change [proposal-file] [flags]

  -a, --account-number uint     The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --dry-run                 ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don’t broadcast it
      --fees string             Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 1 okt
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string              gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically (default 200000) (default "200000")
      --gas-adjustment float    adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string       Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 1okt)
      --generate-only           Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                    help for param-change
      --indent                  Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger                  Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string             Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --sequence uint           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --trust-node              Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses) (default true)
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Parameter description
--titletitle of the proposal
--typetype of the proposal initiated (for parameterchange proposals only)
--depositinitial deposit specified when the proposal is initiated
--paramspecific parameters and values to be modified (gov/MinDeposit=1000okt
modify the MinDeposit parameters in the module to be governed to 1000okt.
--heightblock height when the specific parameter change proposal becomes effective (parameters to be modified changed to specific values),the specific height must meet: higher than the current block height and lower than or equal to the sum of the current block height and MaxBlockHeightPeriod
--fromaccount name specified for sending a transaction
--homeaccount name and the directory where exchaincli is configured
if it is ~/.exchaincli can ignore the parameters
-b/--broadcast-modespecific transaction broadcast modes(async、sync、block)

Submit deposit#

Submit a deposit for an active proposal.

$ exchaincli tx gov deposit -h

Submit a deposit for an active proposal. You can
find the proposal-id by running "<appcli> query gov proposals".

  exchaincli tx gov deposit 1 10okt --from mykey

  exchaincli tx gov deposit [proposal-id] [deposit] [flags]

  -a, --account-number uint     The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --dry-run                 ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don’t broadcast it
      --fees string             Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 1okt
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string              gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically (default 200000) (default "200000")
      --gas-adjustment float    adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string       Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 1okt)
      --generate-only           Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                    help for deposit
      --indent                  Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger                  Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string             Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --sequence uint           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --trust-node              Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses) (default true)
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Submit vote#

Submit a vote for an active proposal.

$ exchaincli tx gov vote -h

Submit a vote for an active proposal. You can
find the proposal-id by running "<appcli> query gov proposals".

  exchaincli tx gov vote 1 yes --from mykey

  exchaincli tx gov vote [proposal-id] [option] [flags]

  -a, --account-number uint     The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string   Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --dry-run                 ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don’t broadcast it
      --fees string             Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 1okt
      --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string              gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically (default 200000) (default "200000")
      --gas-adjustment float    adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string       Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 1okt)
      --generate-only           Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                    help for vote
      --indent                  Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger                  Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string             Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string             <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --sequence uint           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --trust-node              Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses) (default true)
  -y, --yes                     Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

withdraw rewards#

Send a proposal for rewards withdrawal from the community pool.

$ exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend -h

	exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend <path/to/proposal.json> --from=<key_or_address>

Where proposal.json contains:
  "title": "Community Pool Spend",
  "description": "Pay me some okt!",
  "recipient": "ex5afhd6gxevu37mkqcvvsj8qeylhn0rz46zdlq",
  "amount": [
      "denom": "okt",
      "amount": "10000"
  "deposit": [
      "denom": "okt",
      "amount": "10000"

    exchaincli tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend [proposal-file] [flags]

	--from ${name} Name or address of private key with which to sign 
	--node ${url}  validator address 

Query proposal#

Query proposal by ID#

Query details for a proposal

$ exchaincli query gov proposal -h

Query details for a proposal. You can find the
proposal-id by running "<appcli> query gov proposals".

  exchaincli query gov proposal 1

  exchaincli query gov proposal [proposal-id] [flags]

      --height int    Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help          help for proposal
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger        Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string   <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Query all proposals#

Query for all proposals.

$ exchaincli query gov proposals -h

Query for a all proposals. You can filter the returns with the following flags.

  exchaincli query gov proposals --depositor ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n
  exchaincli query gov proposals --voter ex14tytg8a9fascnr4ruhszlflunyew5rw9qclx4n
  exchaincli query gov proposals --status (DepositPeriod|VotingPeriod|Passed|Rejected)

  exchaincli query gov proposals [flags]

      --depositor string   (optional) filter by proposals deposited on by depositor
      --height int         Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help               help for proposals
      --indent             Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger             Use a connected Ledger device
      --limit string       (optional) limit to latest [number] proposals. Defaults to all proposals
      --node string        <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --status string      (optional) filter proposals by proposal status, status: deposit_period/voting_period/passed/rejected
      --trust-node         Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)
      --voter string       (optional) filter by proposals voted on by voted

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors


Query parameters of params:

Query governance parameters#

Query all the parameters for the governance process.

exchaincli query params params -h

Query the all the parameters for the governance process.

  exchaincli query params params

  exchaincli query params params [flags]

      --height int    Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help          help for params
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger        Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string   <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/admin/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors
Governance module parameters
MaxDepositPeriodText/parameter modification/app upgrade deposit period
MinDepositText/parameter modification/app Upgrade proposal maximum deposit If the proposed mortgage exceeds this value, the Voting Period will be effective
VotingPeriodText/Parameter Modification/app upgrade proposal voting period
MaxTxNumPerBlockmaximum number of transactions contained in each block


Change target validator state from jailed to unjail#

exchaincli tx slashing unjail -h
unjail a jailed validator:

    exchaincli tx slashing unjail --from mykey

    exchaincli tx slashing unjail [flags]
    --from string             Name or address of private key with which to sign

Query jail state of target validator#

exchaincli query slashing signing-info -h

Use a validators’ consensus public key to find the signing-info for that validator:

    exchaincli query slashing signing-info exvalconspub1zcjduepqfhvwcmt7p06fvdgexxhmz0l8c7sgswl7ulv7aulk364x4g5xsw7sr0k2g5

    exchaincli query slashing signing-info [validator-conspub] [flags]

      --height int    Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help          help for signing-info
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger        Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string   <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Query params from slashing module#

exchaincli query slashing params -h

Query genesis parameters for the slashing module:

    exchaincli query slashing params

    exchaincli query slashing params [flags]
      --height int    Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help          help for params
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --ledger        Use a connected Ledger device
      --node string   <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)



Set the exchaind log level

$ exchaincli debug set-loglevel -h

  $ exchaincli debug set-loglevel "main:info,state:info"

  $ exchaincli debug set-loglevel "upgrade:error"

  exchaincli debug set-loglevel [flags]

      --height int    Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help          help for set-loglevel
      --indent        Add indent to JSON response
      --node string   <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/yourname/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors


Dump the data of kv-stores by a module name

$ exchaincli debug dump -h
Dump the data of kv-stores by a module name

  exchaincli debug dump [module] [flags]

     --height int    Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help          help for dump
     --indent        Add indent to JSON response
     --node string   <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
     --trust-node    Trust connected full node (don’t verify proofs for responses)
  Global Flags:
     --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
     --home string       directory for config and data (default "/Users/yourname/.exchaincli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
     --passwd string     Pass word of sender (default "12345678")
     --trace             print out full stack trace on errors