Wallet API
Get assets

Get assets#

When a transaction occurs in the wallet, the corresponding address will have asset changes. You can call the POST /api/v5/waas/asset/get-assets API to view the asset changes.

//Define parameters
const postAssetsBody = {
     walletId: '13886e05-1265-4b79-8ac3-b7ab46211001',
     chainIds: '["1"]',

//Define auxiliary function
const postAssetsData = async () => {
     const apiRequestUrl = getRequestUrl(
     return fetch(apiRequestUrl, {
       method: 'post',
       headers: headersParams,
       body: JSON.stringify(postAssetsBody),
       .then((res) => res.json())
       .then((res) => {
         return res;

const { data: assetsData } = await postAssetsData();

When querying assets, you will receive the following response:

	"code": 0,
	"msg": "success",
	"data": [{
		"tokenAssets": [{
			"address": "0xdf54b6c6195ea4d948d03bfd818d365cf175cfc2",
			"chainId": "1",
			"coinId": "814",
			"symbol": "OKB",
			"balance": "146.800887"
		}, {
			"address": "0xdf54b6c6195ea4d948d03bfd818d365cf175cfc2",
			"chainId": "1",
			"coinId": "3",
			"symbol": "ETH",
			"balance": "0.014814"
		"nftAssets": {
			"networkValuations": [{
				"chainId": "66",
				"name": "OKTC",
				"valuation": "0.002098114901256717"
			"valuationSum": "0.002098114901256717"