Data indexers

Data indexers#

The Graph#

The Graph is an open-sourced software used to collect, process and store data from various blockchain applications to facilitate information retrieval on X Layer.

Supported network:

  • X Layer testnet


Goldsky is the a go-to data indexer for Web3 builders, offering high-performance subgraph hosting and real-time data replication pipelines.

Supported network:

  • X Layer testnet


Subsquid is a peer-to-peer network to batch query and aggregate terabytes of on-chain and off-chain data in a ridiculously efficient way.

Supported network:

  • X Layer mainnet
  • X Layer testnet


Subquery is ioneering fast, flexible, and scalable decentralized infrastructure, we power Web3’s transition to an open, efficient, and user-centric future.

Supported network:

  • X Layer mainnet
  • X Layer testnet


Envio is a modern, multi-chain EVM blockchain indexing framework that enables high-speed querying of real-time and historical data.

Supported network:

  • X Layer testnet