Query user’s redemption application list

Query user’s redemption application list#

Description: This API provides a list of redemption applications made by the user for a specific investment product, including the principal and bonus that can be redeemed. Currently supported protocols include Ankr, Benqi, Stader, Lido, and Tranchess.

Reauest URL#


Request parameter#

Parameter nameDescriptionParameter typeRequiredData type
investmentIdInvestment ID (refer to here)Request bodyYesString
userAddressUser wallet addressRequest bodyYesString

Response parameters#

Parameter nameDescriptionData type
userAddressUser wallet addressString
investmentIdInvestment IDString
canClaimAllWhether all can be claimedBoolean
coinAmountTotal coin amountString
currencyAmountTotal token value in USDString
rewardTokenInfosReward token informationArray[Struct]
> rewardTypeReward typeString
> claimIndexClaim indexString
> tokenSymbolToken symbolString
> tokenLogoToken logo URLString
> tokenAddressToken contract addressString
> networkToken networkString
> tokenPrecisionToken precisionString
> coinAmountToken quantityString
> currencyAmountToken value in USDString
> rewardDescriptionReward descriptionString
> rewardTipReward tipString

Request example#

curl --location '****da' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 90****d6' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: p****d' \

Response example#

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
  "userAddress": "0x7f****da",
  "investmentId": 10005,
  "canClaimAll": false,
  "coinAmount": "3.545420552003607329",
  "currencyAmount": "1.574166725089601654076",
  "rewardTokenInfos": [
  "rewardType": 2,
  "claimIndex": "0",
  "tokenAddress": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
  "network": "AVAX",
  "tokenSymbol": "AVAX",
  "tokenLogo": "",
  "tokenPrecision": "18",
  "coinAmount": "2.393874828838042349",
  "currencyAmount": "1.062880424004090802956",
  "buttonType": 3,
  "rewardDesc": "By tapping Claim, you’ll redeem sAVAX",
  "rewardTip": "This number refers to the amount of AVAX you can claim. According to the protocol, you’ll claim sAVAX as the claim time is overdue."
  "rewardType": 2,
  "claimIndex": "1",
  "tokenAddress": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
  "network": "AVAX",
  "tokenSymbol": "AVAX",
  "tokenLogo": "",
  "tokenPrecision": "18",
  "coinAmount": "1.004954892370271051",
  "currencyAmount": "0.446199972212400346644",
  "buttonType": 3,
  "rewardDesc": "By tapping Claim, you’ll redeem sAVAX",
  "rewardTip": "This number refers to the amount of AVAX you can claim. According to the protocol, you’ll claim sAVAX as the claim time is overdue."
  "rewardType": 3,
  "claimIndex": "2",
  "tokenAddress": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
  "network": "AVAX",
  "tokenSymbol": "AVAX",
  "tokenLogo": "",
  "tokenPrecision": "18",
  "coinAmount": "0.146590830795293929",
  "currencyAmount": "0.065086328873110504476",
  "buttonType": 2,
  "rewardDesc": "Est. claimable date: 07/12/23",
  "rewardTip": "This only refers to the estimated claimable time. The exact time is subject to your actual claim."