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Use OKX-ord node

Use OKX-ord node#

ord forks on casey's and adds the BRC20 Protocol feature. It can easily call the API, obtaining the BRC20 transaction and tick balance.


ord is written in Rust and can be built from source.

Once ord is installed, you should be able to run ord --version on the command line.


On Debian and Ubuntu, ord requires libssl-dev when building from source:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

You'll also need Rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

To build ord from source:

git clone
cd ord
cargo build --release --feature=rollback

Once built, the ord binary can be found at ./target/release/ord.

ord requires rustc version 1.67.0 or later. Run rustc --version to ensure you have this version. Run rustup update to get the latest stable release.

notice: casey ord does not deal with block reorganization. The database becomes corrupt when a reorganization occurs.

To enable automatic block reorganization, we introduced Redb's savepoint feature, a database backup in the memory. Bitcoin barely reorganizes after six confirmation blocks, and it is possible to make one savepoint every three blocks and keep up to four savepoints so that data can be backed up at least ten heights back. You can add --feature=rollback compilation options to activate this feature.


ord requires a synced bitcoind node with -txindex to build the index of satoshi locations. ord communicates with bitcoind via RPC.

If bitcoind is run locally by the same user, without additional configuration, ord should find it automatically by reading the .cookie file from bitcoind's datadir, and connecting using the default RPC port.

If bitcoind is not on mainnet, is not run by the same user, has a non-default datadir, or a non-default port, you'll need to pass additional flags to ord. See ord --help for details.

bitcoind RPC authentication#

ord makes RPC calls to bitcoind, which usually require a username and password.

By default, ord looks a username and password in the cookie file created by bitcoind.

The cookie file path can be configured using --cookie-file:

ord --cookie-file /path/to/cookie/file server

Alternatively, ord can be supplied with a username and password on the command line:

ord --bitcoin-rpc-user foo --bitcoin-rpc-pass bar server

Using environment variables:

ord server

Or in the config file:

bitcoin_rpc_user: foo
bitcoin_rpc_pass: bar


ord uses log4rs instead of env_logger. Set the --log-level argument variable in order to turn on logging. For example, run the server and show info-level log messages and above:

$ cargo run server --log-level info

New releases#

Release commit messages use the following template:

Release x.y.z

- Bump version: x.y.z → x.y.z
- Update changelog
- Update dependencies
- Update database schema version