
An Important Update about Our Presence in Europe

Today, I'm excited to announce that we have rebranded Okcoin Europe Ltd. to OKX in Europe.

In my role as the General Manager for the region, my responsibility is to establish local teams that propel our user-centric global strategy. Local efforts are crucial to our diverse crypto communities amongst our 50 million users worldwide, and we're ensuring a tailored experience in key markets by optimizing our platform to reflect the community's trading preferences, favored payment methods, and fiat on-ramps.

Okcoin Europe Ltd. has been serving our users through its crypto service provider registration with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and a virtual financial asset service provider license in Malta since 2021. Users will continue to be served by our Okcoin Europe Ltd. Entity, however, now the services will be offered through the OKX brand.

Through the rebrand, we aim to offer an even better customer experience for our users in Europe. This includes the Netherlands, where our platform is currently available in beta mode with an official launch forthcoming.

Europe has a truly vibrant digital economy and has consistently been a leader in blockchain innovation. We're thrilled to contribute to the evolution of the crypto and Web3 sector. Our rebranding is a significant step forward in this effort.

In the coming months and years, we look forward to better serving the European crypto community and enhancing our offerings to meet local needs. We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to updating you further in the future.

Erald Ghoos

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