
OKX Brazil Introduces Game-Changing Fee Structure, Rewarding Users with Negative Maker Fees

São Paulo, April 17, 2024 -- Today, we at OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking fee structure for our users in Brazil. In an industry-first move, we are introducing negative maker fees for users with account balances exceeding BRL 5 million, allowing eligible users to profit from their transactions and setting a new standard for value in the crypto trading community.

Our pioneering fee structure also includes a tier system that rewards users for holding assets on our platform. OKX users in Brazil with a balance of BRL 2 million or more will enjoy the privilege of zero maker fees on crypto purchases, empowering them to maximize their investments by eliminating the cost of buying cryptocurrencies.

Our new fee structure is a game-changer for crypto trading in Brazil, offering unmatched value and simplicity to our users. By introducing negative maker fees and zero maker fees for eligible users, plus the convenience of BRL trading pairs with PIX deposits, we are making crypto trading more accessible and attractive than ever before. This revolutionary approach not only enhances the experience for our existing community but also opens the door for a new wave of investors to join the exciting world of cryptocurrency.

The inclusion of BRL trading pairs allows our users and institutions to easily deposit funds via PIX and start trading USDT, BTC, ETH and 147 other USDT pairs with OKX's global order books, making crypto trading more accessible and convenient than ever before.

At OKX Brazil, we continue to prioritize security, transparency, and user satisfaction, with our monthly Proof of Reserves reports further demonstrating our dedication to providing a trustworthy platform for our users.

Join the future of crypto trading with us at OKX Brazil. For more information about our new fee structure and to start trading, visit our website at

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