
What is Bitlayer? Extending Bitcoin's possibilities with BitVM

Have you ever wondered why the Bitcoin network struggles with scalability and smart contract limitations despite being secure and decentralized?

Although Bitcoin is secure, its transaction speed and cost can be improved. Enter Bitlayer — the first Bitcoin security-equivalent Layer-2 that aims to address these limitations by combining the Bitcoin Virtual Machine (BitVM) and zero-knowledge proofs (ZK proofs). Put simply, Bitlayer adds a computing layer to the Bitcoin network that increases transaction throughput and supports complex smart contracts without compromising Bitcoin's security.

By using these new technologies, Bitlayer offers a flexible environment for decentralized applications (DApps). Could Bitlayer be the key to unlocking Bitcoin's full potential? Time will tell. Read on as we explore how Bitlayer works, the advantages it brings to the Bitcoin network, and what comes next for the tool.


  • Bitlayer uses BitVM and zero-knowledge proofs to help address Bitcoin's scalability and smart contract issues.

  • Bitlayer improves Bitcoin transaction speeds and supports advanced smart contracts securely.

  • Bitlayer separates front-end execution from back-end proof generation for efficient and secure computations.

  • Bitlayer brings Layer-2 solutions to enhance transaction speeds and lower costs on the Bitcoin network.

  • With EVM compatibility and a trustless bridge, Bitlayer integrates with Bitcoin, boosting its decentralized app ecosystem.

What is Bitlayer?

Bitlayer is a computational layer that leverages ZK proofs and the innovative BitVM to provide a Turing-complete environment for smart contracts. This design separates the front-end execution of smart contracts from the back-end proof generation. Doing so allows for more complex and secure computations on the Bitcoin network.

Enhancing scalability

Bitcoin has faced significant scalability challenges, particularly as transaction volumes increase. Bitlayer helps address this issue by bringing new Layer-2 solutions to the network.

These solutions achieve significantly higher throughput and lower costs by processing transactions off-chain. By employing ZK proofs, Bitlayer provides efficient transaction verification, preserving the integrity and security of the Bitcoin network.

Smart contract capabilities

Bitcoin has limited smart contract functionality compared to other platforms. Bitlayer helps by supporting different virtual machines like EVM-compatible environments. This lets developers build complex DApps with tools they know while still leveraging Bitcoin's security.

Integration with Bitcoin

Bitlayer integrates seamlessly with Bitcoin through a trustless bridge mechanism that combines BitVM and Optimistic Discreet Log Contracts (OP-DLC). This integration supports secure asset transfers between Bitcoin and Bitlayer. That means you can interact with Layer-2 applications without compromising the security of assets.

How does the Layered Virtual Machine (LVM) work?

The Layered Virtual Machine (LVM) in Bitlayer optimizes Bitcoin's computational capabilities. It decouples smart contract execution from ZK proof generation. This separation makes sure of the efficient and secure processing of transactions and smart contracts. Meanwhile, the LVM architecture fundamentally separates the execution layer from the proof-generation layer. Similar to Ethereum's EVM, the front-end manages the execution of smart contracts.

This layer processes smart contract logic and operations. The ZK proof generator verifies these executions on the back-end, guaranteeing their validity without exposing data. This separation increases scalability and flexibility in handling complex computations.

Thanks to the role of the ZK proof generator in obscuring inputs or outputs, even the most complex smart contracts can be executed and verified securely on the Bitcoin network.

What role does the LVM play in Bitlayer's architecture?

Bitlayer's architecture relies heavily on the LVM. It supports various smart contracts, from simple financial transactions to complex DApps. This flexibility lets developers use Bitcoin's security while expanding its functionality. Developers can confidently create and deploy smart contracts on Bitlayer, knowing they'll be processed efficiently and securely.

Looking more closely, LVM speeds up transaction times and cuts costs for developers and users. The decoupling of execution and verification processes reduces network load, enabling quicker and more efficient transaction processing. This efficiency is beneficial for high-frequency trading and other cases that need fast execution.

Many believe that LVM is a game-changer for Bitcoin. It separates smart contract execution from proof generation, making it scalable, secure, and efficient. LVM boosts Bitcoin's capabilities and creates a more versatile blockchain environment.

What are the components of Bitlayer's transaction processing?

Bitlayer's transaction processing has three components: the sequencer, prover, and challenger. These components help guarantee the efficiency, security, and validity of transactions. Let's look at each in a little more depth.


The sequencer collects orders and batches transactions. It's the entry point for transactions in the Bitlayer network. When users submit transactions, the sequencer gathers them, organizes them into blocks, and processes them sequentially. The sequencer maintains transaction flow in the network. It operates like validators in other blockchains, providing capacity and making sure the network can handle high transaction volumes.


The prover plays a critical role in validating the transactions processed by the sequencer. After the sequencer has ordered and batched the transactions into blocks, the prover generates ZK proofs to verify their correctness. Transactions are re-executed to create proofs, and anyone in the network can independently verify these proofs. They make sure transactions were processed correctly and that state transitions were valid. By using ZK proofs, the prover adds an additional layer of security, provided all computations are correct and no sensitive information is revealed.


The challenger checks that the proofs are correct against the network. If someone thinks a transaction is wrong, they can challenge the proof, which starts a dispute process. This can invalidate the fake transaction and penalize the bad actor. This process helps to make sure everyone is honest, and any issues are dealt with quickly.

Bitlayer's transaction processing framework helps to make sure of secure transactions. The sequencer organizes and batches transactions, the prover validates them, and the challenger resolves disputes. This multi-layered approach enhances the network's scalability and efficiency and maintains a high level of security and trust among participants.

How does Bitlayer's Asset Bridge improve cross-chain transactions?

One other important role Bitlayer plays in enhancing the Bitcoin network is its support of cross-chain transactions. With the ability to move assets freely between blockchains, users and projects enjoy greater access and deeper liquidity. Bitlayer's asset bridge enhances cross-chain transactions using BitVM and OP-DLC technologies. It transfers assets securely and efficiently between Bitcoin and Bitlayer networks.

About BitVM and the OP-DLC dual-channel system

The BitVM bridge and OP-DLC form the backbone of Bitlayer’s cross-chain transaction system. With the BitVM bridge, users can securely transfer assets between Bitcoin and Bitlayer. ZK proofs verify off-chain computations, ensuring valid and tamper-proof transactions without revealing sensitive data.

Meanwhile, the OP-DLC mechanism adds a layer of security by using oracles (in this case, the federation) to validate transactions. BitVM's challenge mechanism lets users dispute and resolve fraud or errors. This protects user assets and helps to keep the network secure.

The asset bridge processes transactions quickly and securely off-chain before committing them to the Bitcoin blockchain. This reduces the load on the Bitcoin network, lowers transaction costs, and handles a high volume of cross-chain transactions without compromising speed or security.

For users, this means a seamless experience when moving assets between Bitcoin and Bitlayer. The dual-channel system allows you to choose the best method for your needs. For example, high-value transactions can use the secure OP-DLC channel, while smaller, frequent transactions can use the fast and efficient BitVM bridge. This flexibility helps you and institutions to manage assets effectively.

What makes Bitlayer's execution protocol unique?

In simple terms, Bitlayer's unique approach provides efficient, secure, and fast transactions. Let's look now at some of the execution protocol's distinguishing features, and how these features help to make Bitlayer effective.

Optimistic execution

  • Assumption of validity: Optimistic execution assumes all transactions are valid, allowing faster processing and network speed.

  • Challenge period: Participants can submit fraud proofs during a challenge period if they suspect invalid transactions. This makes sure that incorrect transactions can be contested and corrected, maintaining system integrity.

Rollup proof generation

  • Batch processing: Transactions are processed in batches, with each batch generating a rollup proof. These proofs are then submitted to the main Bitcoin blockchain for validation. This method reduces the data load on the blockchain and lowers transaction costs.

  • Efficiency: By aggregating multiple transactions into a single proof, rollup proof generation helps to enhance the scalability of the network. This efficiency is crucial for handling a large volume of transactions without overwhelming the blockchain.

ZK proofs

  • Privacy and security: Bitlayer uses ZK proofs to validate transactions without revealing private information. This cryptographic method keeps transaction details confidential while proving their validity to the network.

  • Instant finality: Unlike optimistic rollups, which require a challenge period, ZK proofs offer immediate finality. Once a ZK proof is generated and checked, the transaction is final. Users can withdraw their assets right away.

It's helpful to also understand the key features of ZK proofs and how they support Bitlayer's wider functionality.

  • Scalability: By processing transactions off-chain and validating them on-chain using ZK proofs, Bitlayer achieves high throughput and low latency, making it capable of supporting users and DApps.

  • Security: Optimistic execution and ZK proofs offer high security. The challenge mechanism quickly detects and corrects fraud attempts.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Rollups reduce the cost of Bitcoin transactions by lowering the network's computational and data storage needs.

What's next for Bitlayer?

Bitlayer reportedly wants to expand to work with a wider variety of smart contract languages and related functions. One example of this is the existing LVM support of EVM compatible smart contracts, launched in phase 1 of the project's roadmap.

This will continue to allow developers to deploy DApps seamlessly on Bitlayer. And, this expansion could attract more developers and users to the platform, fostering a more vibrant ecosystem.

In phase 2, Bitlayer plans to introduce a rollup model and implement the BitVM component for committing and challenging state transitions. This phase focuses on further enhancing security and flexibility through network upgrades using Bitcoin's network.

In phase 3, Bitlayer will implement a trustless bridge using Layer-1 verification. This will complete Bitlayer’s mainnet deployment, achieving Bitcoin-level security with Turing completeness. This significantly elevates security standards for the Bitcoin layer.

Meanwhile, the Bitlayer campaign "Ready Player One" is an open incentive program. It aims to give over $50 million in token rewards to top-performing protocols and teams deploying on the Bitlayer mainnet. Bitlayer's campaign aims to speed up its growth by attracting strong projects to the platform, ultimately encouraging rapid development and fresh innovation. To this end, Bitlayer supports projects and provides various product development resources to support smooth launches.

Additionally, Bitlayer has launched Lucky Helmet Airdrop, an exciting initiative offering participants a chance to receive exclusive token rewards. By participating in the Lucky Helmet Airdrop, users can engage with the Bitlayer ecosystem and potentially earn valuable tokens, enhancing their involvement and investment in the growing Bitlayer network.

More than 5,000 examples of Bitlayer's first Lucky Helmet NFT were minted to celebrate the mainnet v1 release. Holders of the Lucky Helmet, which can be traded today on our NFT marketplace, will gain the following:

  • Recognized as a key stakeholder and be granted priority governance rights.

  • Possible eligibility for future token airdrops from Bitlayer and other projects tied to Bitlayer.

  • Reward of campaign points from the official Bitlayer team and multiple point multipliers in ecological projects.

The final word

Bitlayer provides answers to some of the questions surrounding the Bitcoin network's scalability and smart contract limitations. With robust security a priority, the platform uses the BitVM model and ZK proofs to enhance Bitcoin's transaction speed and smart contract features.

A trustless bridge mechanism enables Bitlayer's integration with Bitcoin, making sure secure asset transfers and seamless interaction with Layer 2 applications. This groundbreaking approach enhances Bitcoin's capabilities, making it more scalable, secure, and efficient for decentralized finance and other applications.

As the Bitcoin network continues to evolve and gain functionality beyond its original role as a form of decentralized virtual currency, solutions such as those provided by Bitlayer could help unlock new possibilities for users, developers, and projects.


What is Bitlayer and how does it improve Bitcoin's scalability?

Bitlayer is a Layer-2 solution for Bitcoin that addresses scalability and smart contract limitations. It uses the BitVM paradigm and zero-knowledge proofs to process transactions efficiently and securely without compromising decentralization.

How does the Layered Virtual Machine in Bitlayer work?

Bitlayer's Layered Virtual Machine separates smart contract execution from zero-knowledge proof generation. This improves efficiency and flexibility, supporting different smart contracts and providing security through verification.

What role does the asset bridge play in Bitlayer?

Bitlayer's asset bridge allows secure and efficient cross-chain transactions between Bitcoin and Bitlayer. It uses BitVM and OP-DLC technologies to ensure seamless and secure asset transfers between Layer-1 (Bitcoin) and Layer-2 (Bitlayer) networks while protecting the integrity and security of user assets.

What future developments can we expect from Bitlayer?

Bitlayer will reportedly continue to enhance transaction verification and support more smart contract languages. The platform is also expected to explore new cross-chain solutions and optimize the Layered Virtual Machine for more decentralized applications and complex tasks.

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