OKB Buy-back & Burn

發佈於 2019年5月10日更新於 2024年4月4日閱讀時長 2 分鐘

Dear valued customers,

We have received plenty of feedback from thousands of OKB supporters since we suggested the OKB “Buy-back & Burn” scheme on Apr 28, 2019. We decided to make the following adjustments after consideration:

Starting May 4, we have officially started OKB Buy-back & Burn program, we will buy back OKB tokens from the original supply of 300,000,000 OKB every 3 months according to the seasonal market and operating performance — which were subsequently sent to a burning address that nobody can access.

From May 4 to May 31, 2019, we will buy-back and burn OKB every week and announce the details every Friday.

Starting Jun 1, we will implement buy-back & burn every 3 months and announce the details within 1 week of the burn. OKB black hole address: https://etherscan.io/address/0xff1ee8604f9ec9c3bb292633bb939321ae861b30#tokentxns)

By reducing the total supply in circulation, we hope OKB supporters can benefit from the increase and stabilization of value of OKB. The amount of OKB acquired through Buy-back & Burn between May 4 and May 31, 2019 is 1,929,043.01 , which have already been sent to the black hole address.



May 10, 2019