Experience SignalPlus, A world-class platform for option trading

By traders, for traders. Visit SignalPlus to access its suite of comprehensive, world-class free products for option trading of digital and crypto assets on the OKX platform!

Trading Competition

King of Options

With a prize pool of up to 115,000 USDT Join the Options trading battle presented by OKX and SignalPlus.

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Experience world-class options trading
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SignalPlus offers a world-class dashboard that provides comprehensive coverage of various aspects of options trading, including risk/PnL tracking, PnL attribution, strike analysis, theta analysis, and more

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Smart Dealing

SignalPlus allows users to execute multi-legged orders using embedded algorithms, while minimizing slippage. Also, enjoy the ability to stress-test their PnL and exposures with powerful simulation tools and scenario analyses

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Dynamic Delta Hedge (DDH)

Users can automate their delta hedging needs across all market conditions, to manage risk exposure in a dynamic trading environment with SignalPlus. They can also receive real-time trade notifications via Telegram.

Options trading academy

Everything you need to know about options trading. Coming soon!

options trading academy